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BHRS Director’s Update
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Director’s Newsletter
Wellness Matters has been replaced by the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director’s Newsletter below.
2019 BHRS Highlights
Below highlights some of the new and continuing developments for Behavioral Health & Recovery Services (BHRS) in 2019. We would like to recognize the many people—clients and their families, partners, staff and community members—whose passion, commitment, hard work and support every day, helped make them happen.
From the Director’s Desk
A vision of a world free of stigma
There are certainly an unlimited number of issues and challenges facing California’s public mental health and substance use (behavioral health) system. Examples of headlines include rising suicide rates with teens increasing the fastest, meth and cocaine death rates surpassing the opioid epidemic, correctional facilities and emergency rooms filled with individuals suffering from behavioral health issues, and national criticism over high levels of homelessness.
Medi-Cal Healthier California for All: Integrated Health Services
Broader delivery system, program and payment reforms & consolidating health and social services
The most vulnerable California residents need access to various services spanning from behavioral and physical health services to substance use disorder treatment, In-Home Services and developmental help. When the care is hard to coordinate, patients struggle to navigate it on their own and might end up not accessing it at all.
Clients Satisfied with BHRS Services
91% of consumers say they are satisfied
Twice a year, in May and November, BHRS administers the Consumer Perception Survey on behalf of the Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS) to a sampling of adults, older adults, youth and family members of youth consumers who receive specialty mental health services.
Connecting children to services long before the 1st day of kindergarten
Early Childhood Community Teams
The idea is that children as young as toddlers from even the most economically disadvantaged areas of San Mateo County should have access to services that are routine in middle class homes.
These children will then start preschool and kindergarten with the same skills and socialization as their peers. This will set them on the road to success in school and, in the big picture, help close the opportunity gap between well-off families and those with minimal means.
Updated Public Charge Rule
Won't apply to many foreign-born residents
Last summer, the United States Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released an updated policy related to the “public charge” rule aimed to limit immigration benefits for people using certain federal programs.
A public charge is defined as an individual who relies primarily on government programs to meet certain basic needs such as housing, food or healthcare.
Health Ambassador Program Continues to Grow
Empowering local residents to support their communities
This year, a record number of 19 people graduated from the free public education program geared towards improving the health and well-being of individuals in San Mateo County.
The Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) Health Ambassador Program (HAP) was created in 2014 to honor the important role that community members play in healing and supporting others in their communities.
IMAT Receives CSAC Challenge Award
Integrated Medication Assisted Treatment Program recognized
Congratulations to the Integrated Medication Assisted Team (IMAT), recipients of the 2019 California State Association of Counties Challenge Awards, which spotlights the most innovative programs developed and implemented by California Counties.
Health coverage expanded for undocumented young adults
State-funded Medi-Cal program expands care for 2,000 people
Effective January 1, 2020 low income undocumented young adults age 19-25 can enroll in full-scope Medi-Cal coverage and receive care regardless of their current immigration status under the expansion of the Health4All Medi-Cal program.
Mental Health Services Act Update
MHSA (Prop 63)
Annual Update Public Comment Period Closes February 5
The FY 2019-20 MHSA Annual Update was presented at the Mental Health Substance Abuse and Recovery Commission (MHSARC) meeting on December 4th. The MHSA Annual Update is submitted annually to the State and includes:
Group Therapy Services at Board and Care Homes
Services launch at four homes
In early 2019, the idea of bringing group therapy directly to BHRS clients residing in board and care homes in San Mateo County became a reality.
In Memory of Nang Du, MD
Nang Du, MD served as the Medical Chief of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services’ (BHRS) North County Clinic in Daly City for over 11 years. Born in Chau Doc, Vietnam on October 10, 1950, he passed away on November 12, 2019.
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery Commission Update
FY 18/19 Annual Update
The Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery Commission (MHSARC) provides oversight of county mental health and substance abuse services, advice to the Board of Supervisors and the Director of Behavioral Health & Recovery Services (BHRS), and advocates for mental health and substance abuse clients and issues.
Census 2020: What’s at Stake
The next national census is less than 60 days away. Every 10 years, the federal government is required to count each and every person living in the country — regardless of citizenship status, age, or criminal history.
Health Staff Recognized for Racial Equity Work
On November 14, 2019, San Mateo County Health was acknowledged for their participation and membership in the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). GARE is a national network of government agencies working together to reach a place where race no longer determines one’s life path. Within BHRS, this GARE work is aligned with and supports our Multicultural Organizational Development (MCOD) efforts and plan.
More News and Upcoming Events
Doris Estremera Receives Commendation
Congratulations to Doris Estremera who recently received a commendation for the Women in County Government Award nomination for outstanding commitment and service to the people of San Mateo County. Doris currently works with the BHRS Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) and provides oversight, planning and reporting of our Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding. Read the full story here.
Supporting Recovery Through Enhanced Treatment & Expanded Services
New Organized Delivery System Serving More People
Since launching the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC ODS) pilot in San Mateo County in February 2017, BHRS data has shown a 140% increase in the number of unique Medi-Cal beneficiaries served annually by the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) provider network - from 516 people in 2016 to 1,245 people in 2018. DMC services billed to the State have also increased 206% since implementation. This increase is due in part, to the increase in the number of&nbs
Scott Gilman, MSA, CBHE
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) recognition of National Recovery Month, spreading the message that treatment is effective, and people can and do recover—every day, and over a decade of celebrating Recovery Month here in San Mateo County.
New Opioid Treatment Protocol Facilitates Timely Access to Care
IMAT and Emergency Department Pave the Way
The opioid epidemic continues to have a devastating impact across the country. Every day in the United States, 78 people die from an opioid overdose; this number has nearly quadrupled since 1999. Here in San Mateo County drug-related deaths accounted for 2% of all deaths in 2017.
Join the Voices of Recovery: Together We Are Stronger
Celebrating National Recovery Month
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of National Recovery Month, which celebrates the millions of Americans who have reclaimed their lives through recovery from substance use and mental health conditions, reminding us that treatment is effective and people can and do recover. The observance serves to help reduce the stigma and misconceptions that cloud public understanding of mental health and substance use disorders, potentially discouraging others from seeking help.
Recovery Happens
Personal stories of hope, resilience and recovery
As we honor both National Recovery Month and Suicide Prevention Month in September, it’s important to acknowledge the intrinsic link between the two epidemics.
Suicide Prevention Month 2019
For a list of current Suicide Prevention Month events, visit
Clara Boyden Named Deputy Director, Alcohol & Other Drug Services
For Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
Clara Boyden has been named to serve as the first Deputy Director for BHRS Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) Services. AOD programs and services are critical to meet the needs of our community and this is a significant step in providing integrated behavioral health service at all levels.
From Suicide to Service
Suicide Survivor Says Crisis Line Volunteer Work Helps Others & Himself
Crisis center counselors are at the forefront of the work being done in San Mateo County to help reduce the risk of suicide and to promote mental wellness.
Palm Avenue Detox’s Certification Expands Continuum of Care Services
County & State’s 1st Certified Standalone Residential Withdrawal Facility
As of July 1, Horizon Services’ Palm Avenue Detox began providing San Mateo County Medi-Cal beneficiaries with new residential withdrawal management services as a result of their recent certification under the county’s expanded Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (ODS), Continuum of Care.
Canyon Oaks Youth Center Receives STRTP license and CARF Accreditation
Enhanced Programs and Services for Foster Youth
After a three-year process, Canyon Oaks Youth Center (COYC) Residential Treatment Facility completed the conversion from a Level 14 Youth Group Home to a Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) and the program received their permanent STRTP License on June 1st.
Laurel House Transitions To Meet Demand for Men’s Residential Treatment Services
Previously serving women only
On June 3, Laurel House, a program of HealthRIGHT 360, opened its doors to welcome adult men who need residential substance use treatment services in San Mateo County. Laurel House was the first home opened by the Women’s Recovery Association in 1973 and originally its mission was to treat only women. The transition to now serve men as part of its treatability scope is a remarkable accomplishment and a testament to HealthRIGHT’s commitment to the entire community and its partners.
Representative Payee Service Changes
Services Transitioning to Life Inc. as of July 1
Starting July 1, 2019, San Mateo County Health began transitioning their Representative Payee services to Life Inc. Rep Payee services are provided to clients of BHRS and Aging & Adults Services who need assistance managing their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to ensure timely and appropriate payment of rent, utilities, transportation, food, clothes, and other essential daily living needs.
Survey Points to Need to Engage Parents to Address Cannabis Use
Cannabis Decoded Youth Education Campaign
[Cannabis]Decoded ( is a San Mateo County marijuana education campaign for youth launched in 2018 by the BHRS Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Prevention Program. The campaign, guided by members of the San Mateo County Youth Commission, focuses on providing youth and adult allies with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about cannabis use.
Things Are “Blooming” at the David Lewis Reentry Center
Gardening Program Re-opens
The David Lewis Reentry Center is excited to announce the re-opening of its gardening program. Thanks to the help of new county funding sources and the dedication of amazing volunteers, the garden is once again in bloom and open to the public.
More News & Events
North County Youth Clinic Now Open
The new BHRS clinic serving youth in North County is youth is now open and is located at 350 90th Street, 2nd Flr, Daly City, CA 94015, Ph: (650) 301-8650, Fax: (650) 877-5486. Stay tuned for information on their grand opening.
Lived Experience Academy Starts October 3
Learn how to share stories from your life to empower yourself and others, reduce stigma, improve the County’s services and develop your leadership skills.
Libraries to Promote Words of Wellness
Mental Health Awareness Month Aims to Reduce Stigma
During the month of May, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services joins the state and country in promoting Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM) to inspire action towards reducing stigma and discrimination against people with mental health and substance use conditions.
From the Director’s Desk
May is national Mental Health Awareness Month and it marks my fifth month with BHRS. It is an exciting time as BHRS and our partners will be hosting a variety of interesting events aimed at reducing stigma and increasing awareness of mental health and substance abuse needs in our county. I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet each of you at one of these events, or over the summer as I continue my orientation to this wonderful community.
Stories of Hope
Inspirational Stories of Recovery
The sharing of a personal story can be self-reflective, educational, de-stigmatizing and incredibly empowering. The following stories of hope, resilience and recovery are from those who have experienced mental health and substance use issues. These individuals are sharing their stories in the hope that others will be inspired to seek help, and join them on the path to recovery.
2019 Consumer Hall of Fame Award
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery Commission
Each year, the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Recovery Commission recognizes individuals who have found their way to a path of wellness and recovery from a mental health condition and have been active in the consumer movement to better the lives of other consumers in the county. This year, the commission recognized Daric Desautel, a San Mateo County native with a background in education, advocacy, and social justice.
Empowering Consumer and Family Member Voices
Lived Experience Academy Graduates 14 New Speakers
The BHRS Lived Experience Academy is a 10-hour training program that facilitates the development of consumers and family members as empowered leaders in San Mateo County who can represent the voices and interests of all BHRS clients, serve as recovery ambassadors and role models, and help reduce stigma. Participants learn how to share their personal stories through inspirational, insightful and authentic testimonies, and demonstrate that with the right treatment, services and supports, many can and do recover.
Holistic Care Approach Improves Client Outcomes
Total Wellness Integrates Mental and Physical Health Care
On average, people with behavioral health issues die 25 years earlier than their peers. The shortened life span is often attributed to less access and more barriers to obtaining preventive and general health care, including the challenges of navigating and coordinating between separate general health and behavioral health systems;
Barbara Mouton Multicultural Wellness Center
New Programs and Partnerships in East Palo Alto
On February 19, the Barbara A. Mouton Multicultural Wellness Center (The Mouton Center/TMC), located at 903 Weeks Street in East Palo Alto (EPA), CA held an Open House to celebrate new programs and partnerships forged over the past year.
Funding for San Mateo County Pride Center Extended
1st of its Kind Center to Continue as an Innovation
On March 28, 2019, San Mateo County Pride Center was approved for a two-year Innovation funding extension by the State of California Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC).
Health Ambassador Making a Difference
Learning, Recovery & Service
Nearly 30 people have graduated from the BHRS Health Ambassador Program (HAP) since its inception in 2014. The program, dedicated to offering public education workshops geared towards empowering the community, provides residents with the ability to take the skills they learn and become a voice and support for their community. Health Ambassadors help link individuals to care by spreading awareness about BHRS resources and services and in turn helps BHRS better understand the community’s needs.
Mental Health Services Act Update
New Innovation Funding Cycle
MHSA Steering Committee
The MHSA Steering Committee meets twice a year to make recommendations to the planning, funding and services development for MHSA. During a recent meeting the following, the items were included for comment and approval:
It Takes a Village: Building Strong Black Families
Celebrating Black History Month
The February Black History Month event and health fair – “It Takes A Village: Building Strong Black Families” – focused on empowering African American families to build resiliency and coping methods for dealing with family stress and racism, educating our youth and families about managing law enforcement encounters, and to celebrate Black History Month. Hosted by San Mateo County’s BHRS African American Community Initiative (AACI), the East Palo Alto event saw over 50 attendees.
Blog & Events
Upcoming Events and Blog News
May 18 | Phoenix Garden Project Volunteer Day
Orchard Care Day! Help us with the installation of tree cages; continued planting, composting, watering; and work on pathways at 222 Paul Scannell Drive, San Mateo. More info and additional volunteer dates in June, July and August.
A Year in Review
2018 Behavioral Health & Recovery Services Highlights
Below is a snapshot of some of the new and continuing developments for BHRS in the past year. We would like to recognize all of the people — clients, family members, staff, partners and community members — whose passion, commitment and hard work every day, transformed these ideas into action.
Serenity House Opens Its Doors
Serenity House, San Mateo County’s new
short-term adult crisis residential center, opened on October 29
after much anticipation. Overseen by BHRS and operated by
HealthRight360, Serenity House offers 24/7 treatment, support and
respite to adults experiencing a psychiatric crisis but not
requiring hospitalization. Learn more.
Advanced Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders
Medication assisted treatment combines medication, therapy and support to successfully treat substance use disorders. The Integrated Medication Assisted Treatment Team (IMAT) has helped treat alcohol disorders since July 2015, and recently began treating opioid use disorders in FY 17-18.
BHRS Welcomes New Director
Scott Gilman, MSA, CBHE
For the past five years Scott Gilman, MSA, CBHE served as Chief Executive Officer of Network180, the Community Mental Health Center for Kent County, Michigan. Like San Mateo County BHRS, Network 180 provides direct mental health and substance use services and maintains a large private provider network. Gilman also served as executive director of Shiawassee Community Mental Health from 2006 to 2013.
Prevention Programs Build Resilience
MHSA Prevention And Early Intervention Funds
MHSA Prevention and Early Intervention Funds
The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) seeks to improve services and bring them to those who are most in need of mental health care. While each county can exercise some discretion to use the funds to meet the unique needs of their community, MHSA requires that funding first be allocated to certain categories: Community Services and Supports, Innovation, and Prevention and Early Intervention. Learn more about how MHSA funds are distributed in San Mateo County.
Under MHSA, Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) funds are earmarked to help individuals prior to the onset of mental illness, and at least 51 percent must be allocated for PEI programs serving youth ages 0-25. For FY 17/18, San Mateo County has set aside $5.9 million for PEI, $3 million of which will fund youth-focused programs and services.
County To Adopt Innovative Behavioral Health Technology
App to Enhance Access to Support & Services and Aid in Early Detection
In February 2018, San Mateo County joined the County Behavioral Health Technology Collaborative which invites counties statewide to develop technology-based solutions to increase behavioral health care access, supports and early detection of symptoms.
The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), which provides mental health funding to California counties, earmarks a portion of these funds as Innovation dollars, to be spent on developing new approaches to improve quality of services and increase access among underserved communities.
It Takes a Village: Building Strong Black Families
Celebrate Black History Month - February 16
Black History Month offers an opportunity to acknowledge the proud history of African American activism and community-building in San Mateo County. Despite the structural barriers that have hindered the growth of predominantly Black regions of the county, a thriving Black community has emerged over time. In particular, East Palo Alto, which historically has had the highest number of Black community in San Mateo County, has built its own schools, protection, and banking systems to meet its community’s needs.
Veterans Treatment Court Restores Lives
Connecting Vets to Needed Services
The San Mateo County Veteran’s Treatment Court (VTC) celebrated its annual Veteran’s Appreciation Day on November 9. VTC serves a community of veterans and each year, on the Friday closest to Veteran’s Day, a celebration is held to honor their service.
The Court began in May 2012 and works with current or former members of the United States military who are involved in the criminal justice system. The goal is to improve the quality of life for this population by connecting them to needed services through the Veterans Administration or other appropriate treatment entities. The program is voluntary and services include mental health treatment and therapy, substance abuse counseling, health care, housing assistance, employment and job training.
Texting 911 – Now an Option for Residents in an Emergency
Call if You Can, Text 911 if You Can't
A San Mateo County-wide text-to-911 program launched in October 2018, enabling every police, fire and sheriff’s dispatcher in the county to receive emergency calls for help via text message.
Neighboring law enforcement agencies, including the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office and Santa Clara police also accept and respond to 911 texts.
While the text-to-911 program expands the community’s ability to call for help in emergency situations, officials are still urging people to text 911 only if calling is not an option.
Blog and Events
Phoenix Garden Seeks Community Volunteers
Volunteer at the Phoenix Garden Project at the Youth Services Center in San Mateo. Monthly community volunteer days are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., every third Saturday. Interested? Contact Toni DeMarco or Regina Moreno. Read more.
Volunteer for the Local Crisis Line
The StarVista Crisis Center is looking for volunteers who will talk with individuals in need of counseling through their crisis line. Read more.
Serenity House Opens its Doors
Short term adult crisis rehabilitation center
published November 2018
On October 29, 2018, Serenity House, San
Mateo County’s new short-term adult crisis residential center,
opened after much anticipation. Overseen by BHRS and operated by
HealthRight360, Serenity House offers respite to adults with a
mental illness in crisis to regain stability.
Linking Communities to Behavioral Health Services
MHSA funds outreach to unserved and underserved communities
The Mental Health Services Act seeks to
improve services and bring them to those who are most in need of
mental health care.
The Community Services and Supports (CSS) component of MHSA funds direct services for those with a serious mental illness. CSS aims to deliver integrated, culturally competent, client and family driven services, which meet the needs of the diverse unserved and underserved communities in counties across California.
Honoring San Mateo County’s Housing Heroes
Cordilleras Campus Redesign
Mental Health Center Redesign Projects
Cordilleras Mental Health Center, located in Redwood City, is a County-owned, 117-bed psychiatric facility for adults with chronic, serious mental illness and one of the County’s most important resources for its most vulnerable mentally ill residents. The Center is slated to be replaced by 2021, with new facilities that will meet modern standards of care.
Family Partner Making a Huge Impact
Supporting Families of Transition Age Youth Clients
Meet Sonia Vasquez
Sonia is the Family Partner for the BHRS Youth to Adult Transition program at the Shasta Youth and Young Adult Clinic in Redwood City. After 14 years with the Human Services Agency, she joined the team as a family partner in 2017. She is bilingual (Spanish/English) and bicultural.
Restricting Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products
Portola Valley and Half Moon Bay adopt ordinance
Since the San Mateo County Board of
Supervisors adopted an
ordinance restricting the sale of flavored tobacco products
in Unincorporated Areas of the County in June 2018, two other
jurisdictions in the county have followed suit. Portola Valley
and Half Moon Bay are among the first jurisdictions to adopt a
similar ordinance, and other jurisdictions in the county are
considering adopting a flavored tobacco ordinance next year.
In Memoriam
In fond memory of two people who made a profound impact on the communities and people they touched. They will be dearly missed.
Upcoming Events and More News
Upcoming Events
November 13 -
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance is an opportunity for us to come
together and remember those who have lost their lives to
anti-transgender violence. Join us for a candlelight procession,
commemoration, music, resources, refreshments and more.
Working Together to Prevent Suicide
70 percent of suicides are among working age adults
As we were preparing for this important issue of Wellness Matters, highlighting our Suicide Prevention efforts here at BHRS, we lost a dear colleague to an apparent suicide. We struggled, given this tragic event, with whether to cover suicide prevention and the work that continues in San Mateo County in this issue. We made the decision to run the articles to ensure that the important information in this issue is distributed widely throughout San Mateo County.
Celebrating Recovery Month
Prevention works, treatment is effective, people recover
Each September, San Mateo County joins communities across the nation in celebrating National Recovery Month. Recovery Month celebrates people who have reclaimed their lives through recovery from substance use and mental health conditions and honors the greater community that makes recovery possible.
Recovery Happens
Personal stories of hope, resilience and recovery
Each Recovery Month, we highlight the incredible journeys of individuals from all walks of life who have found recovery. They are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and show that treatment is effective and people do recover. We hope these stories encourage others to seek help – and to know that recovery is always possible.
MHSA Dollars Help Create Support Systems Around Clients
Full Service Partnerships
The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), passed in 2004, has provided increased funding for mental health supports and services to counties across California. Here in San Mateo County, MHSA dollars are leveraged virtually everywhere in the BHRS system and community network of care.
Advancing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders
Medication Assisted Treatment
Every day in the United States, 174 people die from a drug-related overdose, according to Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - 116 of those deaths are the result of opioids. Opioids were involved in 42,249, or 67 percent, of 2016 drug overdose deaths. The data shows that people are dying from more potent and dangerous opioids, and are simultaneously using multiple drugs like heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamines and benzodiazepines.
Voices of Recovery San Mateo County
Peer-led organization supports recovery
Voices of Recovery San Mateo County (VORSMC) is a nonprofit (501 c3) peer-led organization that was established in 2010, with the purpose of advocating for and supporting the recovery community, people overcoming drug and/or alcohol addictions. We recognize that hope is a powerful lever for recovery that can be ignited by the leadership, peer support, and lived experience of people who have, themselves, overcome addiction.
Multiple DUI Court Program Outcomes
Estimated to save County $1.5M
In the first ten months of the program, the Multiple DUI Court Program (MDUI) team evaluated 173 referrals and admitted 128 cases in the program. Twenty referrals were denied admission due to not meeting the eligibility criteria. Twenty-five referrals are currently pending. The MDUI Court has also admitted 40 high risk and high need individuals. All high risk and high need participants are referred to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment.
Robert Bermudez Receives David Lewis Award
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission
Each year, the San Mateo County Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission (MHSARC) recognizes outstanding contributions towards recovery with the David Lewis Award. The award is named for the late David Lewis, co-founder of the recovery organization, Free at Last, whose lasting contributions to the recovery community cemented his legacy as a true leader.
Standing United Against Family Separation
"One Community" event supports healing and empowerment
To provide a space for community healing and empowerment, and to stand in solidarity with families of different backgrounds who experience family separation, the San Mateo County Health Equity Initiatives recently came together in Redwood City to host the event, “One Community.”
All Together Better
SMC Health Rolls Out New Visual Identity
On September 12, San Mateo County Health rolled
out a new visual identity, including a new name, logo tagline
and BHRS-specific logo lockup. We hope that as these items become
widely recognized and associated with the excellent quality of
our broad range of services and high integrity of our public
health protection functions, to help us remain a deeply trusted
and caring community partner.
Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System Review
Quality Review Highlights for Substance Use Expansion
In February of 2017, San Mateo County launched an expanded Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) services pilot, significantly expanding the continuum of substance use services available for Medi-Cal beneficiaries in San Mateo County. The pilot is part of California’s 1115 Waiver, known as Medi-Cal 2020. A California Department of Health Care Services External Quality Review (EQR) was conducted to review quality, timeliness and access to these services.
Upcoming Events and More
Upcoming Events
Recovery Month Events
Join BHRS and Voices of Recovery SMC in celebrating those in recovery from mental health and substance use issues for the 29th Annual National Recovery Month. See the Recovery Month flier for event details.
[Cannabis] Decoded Launches
Education Campaign for Youth
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services is excited to announce the launch of [Cannabis] Decoded, a marijuana education campaign for youth and parents in San Mateo County.
Starting Over with Assisted Outpatient Treatment
In his late twenties and early thirties Miles lived part of his life on the streets, cycling through shelters, hospitals and court rooms. Years of intense drug use, which started at the young age of 11, had taken its toll on his body and mind, leaving him feeling clouded and lost.
From David’s Desk
As healthcare professionals dedicated to preventing and treating mental health and substance use conditions, we have strong concerns with the policy of separating children from their parents or caregivers as they attempt to seek asylum in the United States. There are more humane methods for detaining families that may have entered the country unlawfully, but under international and U.S. law, have a right to due process in obtaining asylum.
Waverly Place Opens its Doors
Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless Clients
Waverly Place Apartments, the long-awaited supportive housing complex operated by the Mental Health Association (MHA) in Redwood City for homeless individuals living with mental health issues, hosted its grand-opening ceremony on May 23, with much celebration and community support.
Dignity on Wheels Rolls into South County
Basic Necessities Restore Dignity to Homeless
Since its November launch at the South County Adult Clinic in Redwood City, Dignity on Wheels (DOW) has been providing the homeless with warm showers and laundry services every Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Pride Celebrates Inclusion and Solidarity
6th Annual San Mateo County Pride Celebration
Community members, community-based organizations and BHRS staff gathered on Saturday, June 16 to celebrate LGBTQ+ wellness, inclusion and visibility. Hosted by the BHRS PRIDE Initiative, San Mateo County’s sixth annual Pride celebration was warm in all senses of the word. Around 800 people gathered in the sunshine to bask in a welcoming, accepting atmosphere.
Protecting Youth from Nicotine Addiction
New ordinance restricts sale of tobacco and flavored tobacco products
On June 19, the San Mateo County Board Supervisors approved an ordinance to restrict the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and flavored tobacco products in unincorporated areas. This is a victory for our county, as we try to reduce tobacco retail density and prevent future nicotine addiction.
Bridging Communities to Wellness
Mental Health Awareness Month Aims to Reduce Stigma
This May, San Mateo County celebrated Mental Health Awareness
Month with the theme, “Bridging Communities to Wellness.” We
wanted to recognize the importance of building connections within
and between communities toward wellness and recovery, regardless
of who we are or where we live in the county. It was encouraging
to see the level of engagement across the county, particularly
among marginalized communities.
Mental Health Services Act Update
Prop 63
Assembly Bill (AB) 114 Update
Most MHSA funding must be spent within three years or counties are required to return unspent funds to the State of California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). AB 114 legislation allowed Counties to submit a plan by July 1, 2018 for spending their respective funds that were subject to reversion since the inception of MHSA. A total of $4,256,155 was determined reverted as of July 1, 2017 and reallocated back to San Mateo County for AB 114 planning.
Caregivers Reconnect and Reflect at Parent Project® Reunion
Supporting strong and healthy families
On Saturday, June 9th, the Office of Diversity & Equity hosted the 5th annual Parent Project® Reunion, with live music, great food and heartfelt testimonies. The yearly event celebrates participants and graduates of the Parent Project®, a 12-week class that gives parents, grandparents, and caregivers the tools to build strong and healthy families.
More News
Cordilleras Replacement Begins to Take Shape
The San Mateo Daily Journal covers the Cordilleras Mental Health Center renovation, which will include specialized mental health treatment, expanded facilities and additional recreation opportunities.
Lee Harrison – National Certified Peer Specialist
BHRS’ Lee Harrison, Consumer and Family Liaison in the Office of Consumer and Family Affairs, recently became Mental Health America’s 39th National Certified Peer Specialist.
Theatre of the Oppressed
During Mental Health Awareness Month, the BHRS Community Health Promotion unit hosted a Theatre of the Oppressed workshop, using art to build awareness around the root causes of health disparities.
BHRS Spreads Awareness at San Mateo County Fair
Amid ferris wheels and cotton candy at this year’s county fair, sat some of our dedicated BHRS staff, spreading mental health awareness to the San Mateo County community.
Bridging Communities to Wellness
Mental Health Awareness Month
Raising Mental Health Awareness
San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services is partnering with local organizations to recognize 2018 May Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM), which is part of a nationwide movement to raise awareness and reduce stigma around mental health and substance use issues.
From David’s Desk
This May, we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM). Launched by a proclamation from our county Board of Supervisors on April 24, MHAM in San Mateo County will focus on bridging communities to wellness. All community members should have access to resources that support their well-being, regardless of who they are or where they live in the county.
Stories of Hope
Personal Recovery Stories
Storytelling can be educational, destigmatizing and incredibly empowering. The following are stories of hope, resilience and recovery from those who have experienced mental health and substance use issues. These individuals are sharing their stories in the hopes that others will be encouraged to seek help, and join them on the path to recovery.
Community Input Shapes MHSA Spending
Mental Health Services Act Planning Process
What is the Mental Health Services Act?
The Mental Health Service Act (MHSA) passed in 2004 with the vision of transforming behavioral health systems to provide state-of-the-art, effective, culturally responsive services that promote recovery, wellness and resilience. These MHSA funded services should be accessible to individuals with severe mental illness, children with serious emotional disorders and their families, and individuals at risk for behavioral health issues.
Helping Our Peers Emerge Program
Peer Mentors Help Clients Transition Back into the Community
Helping Our Peers Emerge (HOPE) is a unique new collaborative designed to provide peer and family support services, using Peer Mentors to assist individuals who are in psychiatric hospital settings to successfully transition into the community, with the intention of reducing recidivism in emergency services.
Reaching Young Adults In Crisis
Measure K Expands Team to Support Young Adults
Measure K funding to the BHRS Transitional Age Youth (TAY) program, which began in FY 14/15, expanded the staffing and services provided by the Youth to Adult Transition team, and has allowed San Mateo County to increasingly meet the behavioral health needs of its young adult population.
TAY provides intensive mental health services to 18 to 25-year-olds with a qualifying diagnosis, who have or are eligible for Medi-Cal.
Fostering Outstanding Community Psychiatrists
Psychiatry Residency Training Program
The San Mateo County BHRS Psychiatry Residency Program is a comprehensive four-year psychiatry residency program, with an emphasis on community psychiatry. Each year, four medical students from around the country match into our program and begin their residency training journey.
Tony Hoffman Community Mental Health Service Awards
Presented by Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission’s Tony Hoffman Awards recognize individuals, professionals, businesses, or media representatives who have made an extraordinary difference in the lives of people with mental illness and the San Mateo County community.
Talking to your child about cannabis
Free Parent Education Workshops
Since the legalization of recreational cannabis (also known as “marijuana”) in January, we’ve been working to educate the community on the health effects of cannabis use. Adults 21 or older are now free to use, carry and grow cannabis. However, cannabis use is not without its health risks. It can harm the brain and lungs, and put a person at higher risk for developing mental health and substance use issues. These risks are even greater for young people under the age of 25, whose brains are still developing.
Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Mental Health Day
This month, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will recognize May 10 as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Mental Health Awareness Day. May is both Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and Mental Health Awareness Month. These communities have traditionally faced heightened stigma around mental health and substance use issues.
Serenity House Set to Open in October
With construction nearly complete, Serenity House, San Mateo County’s new licensed crisis residential respite facility, is scheduled to open early summer. The facility, located at the corner of Hacienda and 37th and operated by HealthRight360.
In Fond Memory of Linford Gayle
We are sad to announce that Linford Gayle, our recently retired Director of the Office of Consumer and Family Affairs, passed away peacefully on April 4, after a prolonged illness.
During his time with BHRS, Linford created a multicultural and diverse team of individuals with lived experience as clients or family members, based in trust, compassion, collaboration and respect.
Events, Trainings, Announcements & More
Upcoming Events & Trainings
May 3 – MHSA Innovation Community Input Forum
BHRS is looking into technology-based solutions to our community’s unique behavioral health needs. Stop by this forum in San Mateo to share your voice on how these Mental Health Services Act dollars are spent.
Be Safe. Be Responsible.
Know the health effects of cannabis use
The New Year brought with it the legalization of cannabis in California. While medical marijuana has been legal in the state for over two decades, California voters took to the ballots last November to approve of Proposition 64, legalizing recreational cannabis.
From David’s Desk
I began writing this column early in February, intending to focus on Black History Month and to highlight a few countywide events and activities. Then the shootings occurred in Parkland, and the world’s attention turned to yet another gun violence tragedy.
Client Returns to San Mateo Medical Center to Thank Staff
Recovery with integrated medication assisted treatment
During the first six months of 2017, Jorge was a frequent visitor to both the emergency department (ED) at San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC) and psychiatric emergency services (PES). Suffering from severe substance use issues and a history of trauma, he would often come in with a nearly fatal blood alcohol level.
SMART-er over time
San Mateo Assessment and Referral Team
Implemented in 2005, the San Mateo Assessment and Referral Team (SMART) program is the first and only of its kind in California.
Developed in collaboration between multiple agencies as a community resource, the program is funded in part by Measure K and the Mental Health Services Act. There are currently two SMART vans covering the county from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
Empowering Youth to be Change Agents
Health Ambassador Youth Program
The Health Ambassador Program for Youth (HAP-Y) is an innovative and community-developed program delivered by StarVista. It is designed for youth ages 16 to 24 who are interested in advocating for communities that have been touched by mental health challenges, raising awareness about mental wellness and increasing access to mental health services.
Delivering Clients the Right Level of Care
Collaborative Care Team
The Collaborative Care Team (CCT) launched in March 2016 as a Health System collaboration between BHRS, the San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC) and Aging and Adult Services (AAS). It sprang from a need to increase client flow throughout the system’s various levels of care, and prevent clients from becoming “stuck” in an inappropriate or higher level of care than needed, including the SMMC inpatient psychiatric unit and other acute care settings.
StarVista Launches New Youth Website
Peer to peer chat reaches youth in crisis
In January, StarVista, a San Mateo County community based mental health provider, launched its fully renovated youth website, This expansion of services was also a win for the teen volunteers who run the site and advocated for the changes.
Fond Farewells
Jei Africa, Linford Gayle, Diane Dworkin and John Klyver
Jei Africa
After almost 11 years with San Mateo County’s Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, Dr. Jei Africa left his post as director of the Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) on March 2 to serve as director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services in Marin County.
Consumer Hall of Fame
Alan Cochran Honored
Every year, the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission (MHSARC) recognizes individuals who have found their way to a path of wellness and recovery from mental illness and are active in the consumer movement to better the lives of other consumers in the county.
Mental Health Services Act Update
Prop 63
New MHSA Innovations (INN) Funding Cycle
The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) INN component allows counties to fund projects which develop new best practices in behavioral health. Planning for INN projects is tied to the MHSA three-year planning process. The most recent MHSA needs assessment engaged over 400 diverse stakeholders including clients/consumers and family members, youth, parents, community-based agency representatives, isolated and higher need communities, MHSA-funded programs and the MHSA Steering Committee.
Cultural Humility, Equity & Inclusion
An Inclusive Approach
BHRS has long been committed to strategies that embrace diversity, improve the quality of services and eliminate inequities and barriers to care for marginalized cultural and ethnic communities. From our core values to our culturally competent services and programs, San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services continues to be a pioneer in the field of behavioral health equity, cultural humility and inclusion.
Workforce Education & Training Impact Study
MHSA's 10 year funding comes to a close
The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) has provided dedicated funding to transform behavioral health systems and improve the quality of life for individuals living with behavioral health conditions. Workforce Education and Training (WET) strategies received a one-time $3,437,600 funding allocation in Fiscal Years 2006 to 2008, with a ten-year timeframe to expend the allocated funds. With MHSA WET funding ending in 2018, BHRS is preparing to sustain the most effective and impactful elements of these investments.
Events, Trainings, Announcements & More
Take the San Mateo County youth marijuana survey
Tell us what you think! BHRS’ Community Health Promotion Unit and the San Mateo County Youth Commission are conducting a survey to understand marijuana knowledge, attitudes and behavior among youth and young adults. The survey is open to 12-25 year olds who live, work, and/or go to school in San Mateo County, until the end of March.
A Year in Review
2017 Behavioral Health & Recovery Services Highlights
As in previous years, we have identified ten highlights for 2017. Narrowing the list is never easy, however this list provides a snapshot of some of the new and continuing developments for BHRS in the past year. We would like to recognize all of the people — clients, family members, staff, partners and community members — whose passion, commitment and hard work every day, transformed these ideas into action. The following highlights are listed in no specific order of priority.
From David’s Desk
The holiday season is a time for looking toward the future and appreciating the gifts the prior year has offered to us. This year has been a difficult one for many who lost their homes in the wildfires that devastated our state, or lost loved ones due to accidental injury, illness, substance abuse or mental health conditions. As we celebrate the New Year, I encourage you to remember those who will need additional support by offering a bit more patience, a kind gesture or a helping hand.
Staff Turn out to Aid Counties Ravaged by North Bay Fires
50 volunteers, 22 deployed, 14 days
This past October multiple wildfires wreaked havoc through the North Bay, leaving many of our neighbors to the north displaced and in crisis. The San Francisco Chronicle reports the fires leveled more than 5,000 homes and killed 44 people. The aftermath of these fires left many struggling to cope with the loss of homes and loved ones.
Strained by the incredible need for all kinds of additional resources, including crisis counseling, Sonoma and Napa Counties sent out mutual aid requests for mental health counselors. San Mateo County answered the call and a heart-warming amount of BHRS staff stepped up to volunteer their time to the response effort.
Crisis Intervention Training Program
First Responders Trained to Support People in a Mental Health Crisis
Introduced in 2005, San Mateo County’s crisis intervention training (CIT) is part of a continuum of crisis services which aim to safely provide the best support possible to those in a behavioral health crisis.
Roxanne Clarke Recognized For Going the Extra Mile
Women In County Government
Each year, San Mateo’s Women in County Government recognizes accomplished women working in the county who have demonstrated success through their commitment to the areas of community service, development and public service. This past October, one of BHRS’ very own, Roxanne Clarke, was presented with the Public Service: the Extra Mile award for going above and beyond the call of duty as a bilingual Psychiatric Social Worker at Canyon Oaks Youth Center.
San Mateo County Health to Launch Health Information Exchange
SMC Connected Care
San Mateo County is gearing up to launch their new health information exchange, SMC Connected Care, used for the electronic sharing of health-related information for patients and clients receiving services from San Mateo County Health.
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Update
Prop 63
Prevention and Early Intervention – Age 0-25 Task Force
A task force of providers, community based agencies, clients and community members convened over three 2-hour periods with the goal of developing recommendations for prevention and early intervention programming for children, youth, and transitional age youth.
Whole Person Care Update
The five-year Whole Person Care (WPC) initiative began its second year of implementation on January 1. The pilot is aimed at improving the access, quality of care and efficiency of services delivered to those individuals with the most complex and often co-occurring conditions.
Canyon Oaks Youth Center Receives
Provisional STRP License
On December 1, Canyon Oaks Youth Center received a provisional Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) license that will become permanent upon accreditation by the Council on Accreditation (COA), which must be completed within a year.
“Attaining a STRTP license will ensure Canyon Oaks can continue operating at a level providing the highest quality of care and rigorous quality performance,” said David Young, BHRS Director.
Steve Kaplan Closes a Compassionate Career
Former BHRS Director Steve Kaplan’s looks back his career in the behavioral health field in a recent article by the San Mateo Daily Journal. Read about his thoughts on medicated assistant treatment, the unaffordability of housing for those in recovery and Medi-Cal funding finally being authorized for substance use treatment programs in the full article.
Events, Trainings, Announcements & More
New Quality Assurance Manager, Ingall
After nearly a year of recruitment, Ingall Bull became the new
BHRS Quality Assurance Manager on December 18. Ingall brings to
the position extensive clinical experience and a rich
history with BHRS. He’s worked in various capacities with
the Geropsych Unit in Crystal Springs, as the supervisor of
the BHRS Therapeutic Day School program and
the electronic health record (AVATAR) implementation
team. Ingall is looking forward to moving BHRS to the next
chapter of service delivery in his position.
Finding Housing in Recovery
For those who are recovering from mental health and/or substance use issues, the journey can be deeply humbling and sometimes harrowing. Unfortunately, for many in recovery, the journey does not end there. The task of finding a safe, affordable home to heal and to thrive in can feel like an impossible task, especially in San Mateo County, where the housing market is one of the most costly and competitive in the Bay Area.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
These are the names of the 23 trans people whose murders have been reported, here in the United States in 2017 alone. This does not include our trans siblings who were not able to live their lives outside of the closet. This does not include our trans siblings who were misgendered and misnamed in their passing. This does not include our trans siblings whose deaths go unreported.
From David’s Desk
I’d like to begin my first message by saying thank you for the warm and welcome reception that I’ve received here at BHRS. I recognize that since I have not previously worked in San Mateo County, nor held a leadership role with a neighboring county system, I’m somewhat of an unknown to folks here. So I appreciate the patience you’ve shown in explaining your programs and processes to me…and all those acronyms!
Lived Experience 2.0 Peer & Family Action Summit
Improving Roles of Peers, Consumers & Family Members in our System
What Does Collaboration Look Like?
At this year’s Lived Experience 2.0 Peer and Family Action Summit, San Mateo County peer providers, family members, clients, BHRS clinicians and County leadership answered this important question.
For Youth in Crisis, Help and Hope
An unprecedented effort to prevent suicide and self-harm
A coalition of local leaders in schools, mental health, crisis intervention, law enforcement and government are utilizing Measure K funds to prevent suicide in our schools and community.
HealthRIGHT 360 Opens New East Palo Alto Clinic
Engaging Positive Actions Outpatient Program
HealthRIGHT 360 (HR360) recently launched its new East Palo Alto (EPA) outpatient program, Engaging Positive Actions. The program strives to provide underserved youth with substance use disorder treatment and mental health support.
Lived Experience is Expertise
MHSA Program Highlight
In the field of mental health and substance use, applicants may be asked on job interviews, “describe your experience and how it fits this role.” Education, training, and specific work experience may be the most common responses that demonstrate one’s qualifications to with individuals with mental health and substance use conditions.
ODE Director, Jei Africa Honored
Immigrant Recognition Award and BAYMEC Legislator Award
On October 20, Dr. Jei Africa, Director of the BHRS Office of Diversity and Equity, received the Immigrant Recognition Award for California’s 14th Congressional District from Congresswoman Jackie Speier.
During a time of community divisiveness and uncertainty for immigrant families, Congresswoman Speier sought to highlight the contributions of first generation immigrants in San Mateo County, one of the most diverse counties in California.
Community Healthcare & Immigration Forums
Amid looming changes to immigration laws and an increasingly heated national conversation about immigration, San Mateo County held two forums this month where community members could learn about important resources, share their experiences and get answers to their questions.
NAMI Peer Pals
New Peer Support Program
NAMI San Mateo County is introducing a new peer support program called Peer Pals.
A Peer PAL is someone who is doing well in his or her recovery, and wants to share their friendship and support with a peer who is also experiencing mental illness.
Peer PALS receive monthly training in recovery and mentorship and are compensated for their time.
2nd Annual Day of Prayer
For Behavioral Health and Understanding
For the second time in San Mateo County, the National Day of Prayer for Behavioral Health Recovery and Understanding was recognized on Oct. 3. BHRS and NAMI co-sponsored the observance by inviting faith and secular leaders as well as consumers to participate in the hour long event.
More News on the BHRS Blog
And Upcoming Events
News and Event Coverage
Like what you see here in Wellness Matters? Then you’ll love our Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Blog. It’s updated regularly and has everything from the latest BHRS news to thoughtful articles about behavioral health in San Mateo County and beyond.
San Mateo County Celebrates Recovery Month
Join the Voices for Recovery: Strengthen Families and Communities
September is the 28th annual National Recovery Month, and here in San Mateo County we are celebrating our residents in recovery from substance and mental health issues as well as their family members, supporters and providers who helped them on their journey.
Help prevent suicide in our community
Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month and this month San Mateo County is joining a national conversation that aims to raise awareness about suicide prevention, and the everyday steps that we can each take to help prevent suicide in our communities.
Thanks and So Long
From the Director's Desk
This is my last article as your Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services as I will be retiring at the end of September. It has been an honor and privilege to work in and for San Mateo County in service to our BHRS clients, consumers and families. During my tenure I witnessed – often first hand – extraordinary courage, perseverance and optimism in the face of daunting challenges and doing so has inspired and motivated me daily.
Voices For Recovery
Personal Stories of People in Recovery
During recovery month, we highlight the incredible journey of individuals from all walks of life who have found recovery. They are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and show that treatment is effective and people do recover. We hope these stories encourage others to seek help - and to know that recovery is always possible.
Paying it Forward in the Recovery Community
The idea of giving back is ubiquitous in the recovery community. In fact, many see the act of helping others with substance use and mental health issues as an essential hallmark of the recovery process. But before a person can start contributing to the recovery of another, they must first find their way to recovery themselves.
Eduardo’s Story
For 22 year old Eduardo Tirado, this came relatively early in life. He started drinking at 13, and had been in and out of juvenile hall, jail and a treatment center by the age of 18.
New Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Welcome David Young
We are pleased to announced that David A. Young, Ph.D., MPH has joined San Mateo County Health as Director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, following Stephen Kaplan’s (current Director) retirement on September 30.
David brings more than 30 years of diverse experience in the behavioral health nonprofit and private sector arenas, including most recently as Chief Clinical Officer for Sagesurfer, a behavioral health technology company.
New DUI Court to Increase Public Safety
Begins September 19
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, together with San Mateo County Superior Court, District Attorney’s Office, the Private Defender Program and Probation, are currently ramping up to implement a new Driving Under the Influence (DUI) court for second and third time misdemeanor offenders in order to decrease DUI-related traffic accidents, the frequency of repeat offenders and increase public safety. The DUI court will provide this population with a team who can link them to needed treatment and support services which previously, were not provided as a part of the DUI proce
Farewell Steve Kaplan
BHRS Director to Retire
Steve Kaplan, Director of BHRS will retire on September 30. His time with San Mateo County have made a significant impact not only on a local level, but also on a broader level. He managed to accomplished a great deal during his twelve years at the county.
Congratulations Angela Stocker
David Lewis Award
David Lewis was a remarkable man who transformed the recovery community, and East Palo Alto in particular, through his inspiring work with addiction and criminal justice. The San Mateo County Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission presents the David Lewis award to individuals who have made an extraordinary difference in the lives of people with substance use disorders and the San Mateo County community.
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Update
MHSA Three-Year Plan FY 2017-20
On September 6 the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission (MHSARC) will be voting to close the public comment period on the final piece of the Three-Year Plan, the Annual Update for Fiscal Year 2015-16 program outcomes.
Suicide Prevention Committee Takes Action
MHSA Program Highlight
Suicide is a public health issue that affects all San Mateo County residents. Suicide can have an effect on family members, friends and the community. These effects are often devastating and can last for long periods of time, yet suicide is preventable. With support from the Mental Health Services Act, the San Mateo County Suicide Prevention Committee provides oversight and direction to suicide prevention efforts in San Mateo County.
Prevention Training Academy
Community Health Promotion Unit Hosts Substance Use Training Sessions
San Mateo County Community Health Promotion is hosting the Prevention Training Academy, a program that aims to build the capacity of local organizations to conduct substance use primary prevention work. Attendees learn what they can do to prevent substance use issues in San Mateo County communities through environmental strategies.
Parent Project Classes
668 Parents Graduated since 2013
The Office of Diversity and Equity’s (ODE) mission is to provide services to many of our underserved populations. This year, Parent Project® offered its first summer session since 2014! In collaboration with MidPen Housing in San Mateo, the course was offered in Spanish for the apartment complex residents as well as neighboring community members.
Lived Experience 2.0 Peer & Family Action Summit
October 26
The upcoming Lived Experience 2.0 Peer & Family Action Summit will help San Mateo County’s Behavioral Health & Recovery Services (BHRS) chart the path towards expanding the role of peers, consumers and family members in the design and delivery of services.
The summit will shape BHRS’s vision of recovery and wellness by providing valuable information which will be then used to create a plan with concrete recommendations to BHRS.
Practicing Cultural Humility
Sharing Our Gender Pronouns
Since February 2017, Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) staff have added gender pronouns to our e-mail signatures and started introducing ourselves in meetings with our gender pronouns.
Why is this important?
It is important for us to share our pronouns because we cannot know someone’s pronoun just by knowing their sex or the way a person looks or sounds. And accurately using a person’s pronoun is a basic way to validate and respect one’s gender identity.
Safe and Easy Medicine Disposal
28+ Safe Medicine Disposal Kiosks Throughout San Mateo County
San Mateo County’s Safe Medicine Disposal Program has partnered with the Medication Education & Disposal (MED) Project to provide 28 safe medicine disposal kiosks – and counting – throughout San Mateo County. This program is critical in preventing accidental exposure of medicine to children and pets, keeping our oceans and drinking water clean and curbing the nationwide opioid epidemic.
Q-Tip for Quality
Quality Improvement Committee Members Wanted
The Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Quality Improvement Committee (BHRS QIC) is seeking new members. BHRS QIC reviews many aspects of BHRS’s work, reviews policies, provides input to management and oversees the quality of BHRS services.
Upcoming Events
The next couple of months is jam packed with fun events and educational trainings. Check out the listings below and be sure to check the BHRS Meeting and Events Calendar for a complete and up-to-date list of events, meetings and trainings.
September - Recovery Month
San Mateo County will celebrate Recovery Month with a number of fun and informational events throughout September, including a candlelight vigil, a walk of hope and a picnic and resource fair.
County’s First LGBTQ+ Pride Center Officially Opens
Nearly 500 LGBTQ+ community members and allies gathered in San Mateo County this past June 1st to celebrate the historic grand opening of the county’s very first Pride Center. A sense of community, joy and hope was palpable amongst the crowd, which spanned multiple cultures and generations.
Check Out Our Blog
Follow the BHRS Blog for the Latest News
Like what you see here in Wellness Matters? Then you’ll love our Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Blog. It’s updated regularly and has everything from the latest BHRS news, events and trainings, to thoughtful articles about behavioral health in San Mateo County and beyond. Stay up to date with the issues that matter to you and your community and follow us today.
From the Director’s Desk
A Right or A Privilege? Since the last edition of Wellness Matters we have celebrated May as Mental Health Month and June as Pride Celebration Month. We’ve also seen the historic opening of the Pride Center in San Mateo County. While these uplifting celebratory events happened there were also ominous developments in Washington D.C. As much as I would like to write about the former and what they mean to our community I am compelled to write about the latter.
Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
While mental illness is a leading cause of disability in the U.S., nearly two-thirds of people with a diagnosable mental illness do not seek treatment—and racial and ethnic groups are even less likely to get help, according to the US Office of Minority Health.
55% of San Mateo County residents identify as people of color. Especially in our majority minority community, challenges faced by minorities are challenges for us all.
Health Equity Initiatives: Ten Year Review
As we recognize Minority Mental Health Awareness Month this July, the Office of Diversity and Equity is pleased to present our impact report, Health Equity Initiatives: A Ten-Year Review. The report showcases the efforts and accomplishments of the eight Health Equity Initiatives (HEIs) and the Diversity and Equity Council.
First Chance Sobering Station and Outpatient Services
Call (650) 689-5597
Many have heard of Star Vista’s First Chance Sobering Station. The 24-hour program is an alternative to jail for those arrested for driving under the influence or public intoxication. First Chance counselors provide assessments, case management and coping strategies for clients while they recover from intoxication.
Mental Health Matters to Our Community
During this past May, Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM), San Mateo County celebrated mental wellness and recovery with community partnerships, voices and action. Through my role in planning MHAM events and other stigma reduction efforts, I am excited to see that, more than ever, mental health matters to our community!
Storytelling Program Continues to Expand
Office of Diversity and Equity
Storytelling can be an incredibly powerful tool in bringing attention to mental health and wellness, while reducing stigma and empowering both storytellers and audiences.
During FY 16-17, The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) Storytelling developed and published a storytelling framework that defines ODE’s approach and goals, three tenets of powerful storytelling and the theory behind the storytelling program. Parts of this storytelling framework were adapted by the Lived Experience Academy.
Integrated Medication Assisted Treatment Update
A progressive approach to treating substance use disorders
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a progressive approach to treating substance use disorders with a combination of behavioral therapy and medication. Obama-era U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, called out MAT as a critical component to addressing what he calls our public health crisis in his 2016 report “Facing Addiction in America.”
“Research clearly shows that Medication Assisted Treatment leads to better treatment outcomes compared to behavioral treatments alone,” Murthy tweeted in May.
San Mateo County Celebrates Pride
"Still We Rise" - 5th Annual LGBTQ+ Pride Event
The PRIDE Initiative held the 5th annual LGBTQ+ Pride event at San Mateo Central Park on Saturday, June 10th. This year’s theme “Still We Rise,” was inspired by Maya Angelou’s 1978 poem “Still I Rise.” Had it not been for the courage and tenacity of queer and trans Black women activists at Stonewall, such as Marsha P. Johnson and Stormé Delarverie, we would not be able to celebrate as we do today. “Still We Rise” is meant to inspire and remind us of the need for solidarity across all communities.
Waverly Place Apartments Provide Supportive Housing
Groundbreaking for 15 new supportive housing units
The Mental Health Association (MHA) along with San Mateo County officials celebrated the long awaited Waverly Place Apartments groundbreaking on May 9. The housing development at 105 Fifth Ave, in the North Fair Oaks area of Redwood City includes fifteen supported housing units for individuals with severe mental illness.
Escalating Bay Area construction costs caused a two year delay on the summer 2015 expected groundbreaking but, MHSA remained true to its culture of not giving up on projects and continued fundraising.
Older Adult System of Integrated Services
MHSA Program Highlight
It was 2009 and Celia, a resident of San Mateo County, was 71 years old when she began experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
“I was not feeling well at work, I was throwing up, and I was sent home,” she said. Celia continued experiencing these symptoms until she was referred to the Older Adult System of Integrated Services, better known as OASIS.
New Transportation Benefit for HPSM Medi-Cal Members
Effective July 1, 2017
As of July 1, 2017, Health Plan of San Mateo (HSPM) now offers a transportation benefit to all Medi-Cal members allowing them to schedule rides to outpatient health-related services, like doctor’s visits, lab services, PT/OT and behavioral health appointments.
Therapeutic Day School Garden Flourishes
Serramonte Therapeutic Day School
The flourishing garden at Serramonte Therapeutic Day School (TDS) is an important aspect of our therapeutic program. Students enjoy visiting during breaks and lunch, hanging out, feeding the chickens, visiting with our cats or just wandering around to see, smell and touch the plants and flowers. The space provides the opportunity for students to learn about the physical aspects of gardening, but also allows them to experience firsthand the subtle but deep metaphors for psychological and emotional growth and healing that nature provides.
Elevating Marginalized Voices
Reflections from the MHSA Three-Year Plan Development
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery Commission (MHSARC) voted to open a 30-day public comment period for the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Three-Year Plan FY 2017-2020 on June 7, which identifies priorities for future MHSA funding. The plan is a culmination of five months and numerous staff hours of facilitation, engaging and empowering well over 500 clients and family members, diverse groups, untraditional partners and communities to participate in the planning process.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Hosts 100th Class
1,711 people trained to help adolescents in crisis
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) has been offered by the BHRS Office of Diversity and Equity since 2013. Since inception, we have successfully trained 1,711 individuals in San Mateo County. The 100th class will be held at Puente, located in Pescadero. Puente serves the San Mateo South Coast communities of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar and San Gregorio. They advocate for their communities and promote individual and community health and wellness.
Phoenix Garden Plan
Community and staff volunteers welcome
Upcoming event:
4/27/24 – Phoenix Garden Workday – April Earth Month
Show some love for the land during Earth Month at Phoenix Garden! Join us and take home free seeds, a pot and planting soil. This workday we’ll be seeding and planting at our orchard and make our garden more beautiful.
Everyone is welcome! We’ll provide the tools and guidance you need. Please bring garden gloves, a water container and sun protection. Let’s grow together and blossom a great community. See you there!
Photovoice at the Youth Services Center
The Office of Diversity and Equity recently partnered with the Youth Services Center (YSC) to facilitate Photovoice projects for youth detained at YSC. This project was created in order to educate others about stigma surrounding mental health for detained youth. Additionally, this project provided youth an opportunity to share their voice.
Healing Historical Trauma
Native American Health
The Native American Initiative (NAI) recently hosted a training titled Native American Health: Historical Trauma and Healing Practices. The training focused on intergenerational trauma—the lasting impact trauma can have on individuals and their descendants.
Tony Hoffman Award
2017 Recipients
The Tony Hoffman Award recognizes individuals, professionals, businesses, or media representatives who have made an extraordinary difference in the lives of people with mental illness and the San Mateo County community.