Safe Waste Disposal: Used Oil and Filters
Used Motor Oil and Filter Recycling
There are three easy and free options to safely recycle your used motor oil and filters in San Mateo County described below.
It’s important to remember that these options are for uncontaminated oil only! Oil mixed with water, paint, solvents, rags, and antifreeze is contaminated. This oil must be taken to the San Mateo County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Learn more here.
Here are 3 reasons to recycle your used motor oil and filters:
Did you know that one quart of motor oil can pollute up to
250,000 gallons of clean water? Used motor oil is a major source
of oil contamination of waterways and can result in pollution of
drinking water sources. Recycling used oil and filters
protects the environment.
Improper disposal of used oil costs money…your money! You
pay in higher consumer prices, taxes for environmental cleanups,
and increased health care costs when wastes are improperly
managed. Recycling used oil and filters saves
3 – IT’S THE LAW!:
The California Health and Safety Code 25189.6 states that anyone
who improperly disposes of hazardous waste, such as used oil, is
guilty of a public offense punishable of a fine up to $250,000 or
prison time. Improper disposal of used oil is a
Recycle At The Curb
Motor oil is a serious environmental hazard if not properly collected and recycled. However, there’s an easy way to recycle used oil and filters right at home!
Depending on your hauler, you may have different curbside options available to you.
Oil Recycling for Boaters
San Mateo County Boaters can set sail for cleaner waters and help make a big environmental impact. Continue reading to learn how you can make a difference.
Other Resources
CalRecycle Used Oil Recycling Program
Your Number — Because 3000 Miles May Be Too Early to Change Your
Save time, money, and the environment by changing your used motor
oil and filter less often. Visit
to see how far your car can go between oil changes.