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Aging and Adult Services: Protection


Protection Services

All seniors and adults with disabilities have the right to live their lives in a healthy and safe environment and to conduct their lives without emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, neglect, self-neglect, isolation, abandonment, financial abuse, or the fear of abuse.



Adult Protective Services

Forms for mandated reporters

SOC 341, as adopted by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), is required under Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Sections 15630 and 15658(a)(1). This form documents the information given by the reporting party on the suspected incident of abuse or neglect of an elder or dependent adult. 


Scam Resources


Stop Telemarketers

Some solicitation calls are more a nuisance than an attempted theft or scam. Here are some ways to stop junk calls. (Note: Many scams are conducted via telephone conversations with older adults. Scammers are trained in using the right language so that they come off as trusting and knowledgeable. These tips help with solicitors calling on behalf of legitimate business entities.) 

General information

Public Administrator

Losing a loved one is never easy. The San Mateo County Public Administrator is here to help ensure the process after someone passes is managed with dignity, respect, and trust.

Information, Inquiry and Referral: (844)-868-0938
General information

Public Guardian

The Public Guardian/Public Conservatorship program serves frail elderly adults and adults with physical or mental disabilities which result in their being unable to provide for their needs for health care, food, clothing or shelter and/or unable to manage their own finances or resist fraud or undue influence. The Superior Court makes the decision to provide conservatorship for such adults.

General information

How Much Is Too Much?

For most people, the junk mail and belongings that clog the mailbox and pile up around the house are simply annoying - something to go through and throw away when there’s time. But for others, excessive clutter and hoarding can harm a person’s health, family, and social life. Help is available.