Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is soliciting proposals from qualified and interested providers for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center. This Request for Proposals (RFP) aims to fund 1) delivery of behavioral health-focused services as part of an LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center, and 2) the creation of the center as an independent and separate entity in San Mateo County.
Trauma-Informed Prevention and Early Intervention for Youth
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is seeking proposals from organizations that can provide Trauma-Informed Prevention and Early Intervention services for youth.
Health Ambassador Program – Youth
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is seeking proposals from organizations to provide services for a Health Ambassador Program for youth and young adults, aged 16 to 24 years of age. Health Ambassador Program-Youth (HAP-Y) is a program that is funded through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) (Proposition 63), which is designed to engage individuals, families and communities to be active change agents regarding their health, especially behavioral health, leading to a healthier San Mateo County.
Request for Proposals No. 2024-1 for the Development of a Chemical Surge Annex and the Development and Coordination of One (1) Virtual Chemical Surge Tabletop Exercise (TTX)
Health Emergency Preparedness
As outlined in more detail in the posted RFP document, this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeks the submission of proposals for the development of a chemical surge annex and the development and coordination of one (1) virtual chemical surge tabletop exercise (TTX)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is soliciting proposals from qualified and interested providers for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center. This Request for Proposals (RFP) aims to fund an LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Coordinated Services Center designed to provide a place for a wide range of behavioral health-focused services for LGBTQ+ individuals, at high risk for Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and/or Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED), in San Mateo County.
Enhanced Pre-Crisis Outreach Support Team
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is seeking proposals from organizations that can provide a targeted enhanced pre-crisis outreach support team to be called Family Assertive Support Team (FAST), that would consist of a clinical case manager and peer counselors/family partners. The target commencement date for the proposed services is July 2024.
Enhanced Pre-Crisis Outreach Support Team RFP Packet - Extension
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is seeking proposals from organizations for a mental health consumer-run community based organization (CBO) that will provide peer support/self-help services and mentorship to emerging peer leaders. The target commencement date and term for the proposed services is July 2024.
BHRS Health Decoded Media Campaign
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) Community Health Promotion Unit (CHPU) is seeking proposals from interested parties to develop and implement a plan to finalize the consolidation of the contents of the Cannabis [Decoded] and Crushing the Curve campaigns into the Health Decoded campaign. The target commencement date and term for the proposed services is December 2023.
3rd Party Administrator for Community Care Expansion (CCE)
BHRS seeks a contractor with familiarity with the operation and rehabilitation of Board and Care facilities, application and award processes, contract negotiation and management, finance education, and construction management, to provide third-party administrator services for the CCE Preservation funding under the direction of DOH and BHRS, and in conformance with the County Implementation Plan.
Older Adult System of Care Development Older Adult Peer Counseling
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) is seeking proposals from interested parties to locate and provide Older Adult System of Care Development Older Adult Peer Counseling Services. The target commencement date and term for the proposed services is April 2024.
Medi-Cal Mobile Crisis Services Benefit Implementation for San Mateo Mobile Crisis Response (SMMCR)
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Division (BHRS) is seeking proposals from interested parties to develop, operate, and deliver: 1) a 24/7/365 San Mateo Mobile Crisis Response (SMMCR) team to respond to anyone in San Mateo County who is experiencing a behavioral health crisis requiring an in-person crisis response, triaged and dispatched by the County-contracted 24/7 Crisis Hotline (650) 579-0350 (coordinating with 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline); 2) post-crisis followup activities; and 3) crisis prevention educational activities.
Adult and Older Adult Full-Service Partnership Housing RFP
The County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Division (BHRS) is seeking proposals from interested parties to locate and provide a variety of housing options for Full-Service Partnership (FSP) clientele who are in need of stable supervised housing. The proposer will have experience with the housing needs of the target population and have success in working with landlords, residential care operators and others. The proposer will have successful experience collaborating intensely with Full-Service Partnership providers to meet the needs of the FSP target population.
Adult and Older Adult Full Service Partnership Services RFP
BHRS is soliciting proposals from qualified and interested providers for Adult Full-Service Partnership (FSP) programs. FSP programs provide comprehensive, intensive community-based behavioral health services to the highest risk adults and highest risk older adults/medically fragile adults with a severe mental illness in San Mateo County.
Request for Proposals No. HEP-12-2023 for Development and Coordination of One (1) Health Emergency Preparedness Exercise
Health Emergency Preparedness
The following deadlines have been extended:
- Proposer questions – September 25, 2023; 5:00 PT
- Proposals due – September 29, 2023; 5:00 PT
As outlined in more detail in the posted RFP document, this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeks the submission of proposals to develop, coordinate, and execute two (2) health emergency preparedness exercises for 2024 (timelines to be determined).