Providers: Alerts, Forms & Information
Rx Opioid Safe Prescriptions
While opioid use in San Mateo County is currently not as big a problem as that of many other communities, it’s important that everyone understand the risks and benefits related to prescription pain medications (opioids).
Research shows that when the prescribing of opioids declines, overdose rates decline.
It’s up to all of us to prevent prescription pain medication dependency and deaths.
Current Alerts & Reports
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 35 1st Quarter 2016
- 08/17/16: Help Spread the Word About the Benefits of HPV Vaccination
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 36 2nd Quarter 2016
- 11/03/16: Recall of Frozen Strawberries Potentially Contaminated with Hep A: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Recommendations
- 1/24/17: Investigation of Seoul Virus Outbreak Associated with Home-based, Rat-breeding Facilities in Wisconsin and Illinois
- 1/26/17: Testing Travelers Returning from China for Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Infection
- 2/7/17: Opioid Dependency and Deaths in San Mateo County
- 3/23/17: Ensuring Accurate Diagnosis of Invasive Meningococcal Disease
- 4/18/17: CDC Recommendations for Diagnosing and Managing Shigella Strains with Possible Reduced Susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 38 4th Quarter 2016
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 37 3rd Quarter 2016
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 39 1st Quarter 2017
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 40 2nd Quarter 2017
- 4/5/18: Measles Health Advisory - Bay Area
- 5/22/18: Health Alert: Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- 6/7/18: CDC Recommendations for Managing and Reporting Shigella Infections with Possible Reduced Susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin
- 7/10/18: Increase in Cyclosporiasis Cases in the Bay Area
- 7/11/18: CDPH Health Advisory Increase in Cyclosporiasis Cases in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 41 3rd Quarter 2017
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 42 4th Quarter 2017
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 43 1st Quarter 2018
- 7/30/18: Ebola Outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is Declared Over - Need to Screen for International Travel
- 8/9/18: Influenza A (H1N2) Variant Virus Confirmed in California Residents with Exposure to an Infected Pig at a Fair
- 10/17/18: National Increase in Reports of Suspected Acute Flaccid Myelitis Cases
- 7/23/18: High-Dose Influenza Vaccine for LTCF Residents and Staff Age 65 Years and Older
- 2/15/19: Ongoing Ebola Outbreak in the DRC - Screening for International Travel in Persons with Possible Infectious Disease
- 3/29/19: CDPH Measles Clinical Guidance: Identification and Testing of Suspect Measles Cases
- 4/15/19: Measles in San Francisco Bay Area
- 5/17/19: CDC Dear Provider Letter - Adult Measles Vaccination
- 5/23/19: Recommendations for the Vaccination of Adults Against Measles
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 44 2nd Quarter 2018
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 45 3rd Quarter 2018
- 7/1/19: CDPH Health Alert STEC Infections Potentially Associated with Exposures at San Diego County Fair
- 7/5/19: Updated CDPH Health Alert STEC Infections Potentially Associated with Exposures at San Diego County Fair
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 46 4th Quarter 2018
- 7/18/19: CDPH Ongoing Ebola Outbreak in the DRC: Screening for International Travel in Persons with Possible Infectious Disease
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 47 1st Quarter 2019
- 10/1/19: Health Alert - Severe Pulmonary Injury Associated with Vaping
- 9/13/19: CDPH Letter to Providers - Changes to List of Reportable Diseases and Conditions (Title 17 Update)
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 48 2nd Quarter 2019
- 11/15/19: CDC Health Advisory - Hot Tub Displays and Legionella Risk-Guidance for Environmental and Public Health Practitioners
- 11/18/19: CDPH Ongoing Risk of Highly Drug-Resistant Infections Following Hospitalization/Invasive Procedures in Tijuana, Mexico
- 11/25/19: CDPH Valley Fever Cases in California Remain High
- 12/6/19: CDPH Flu Activity Widespread in California-There is still time to get a flu shot
- 12/16/19: CDC Guidance for Using Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Ebola in the United States
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 49 3rd Quarter 2019
- 1/8/20: CDC Health Advisory - Outbreak of Pneumonia of Unknown Etiology (PUE) in Wuhan, China
- 1/10/20: CDC Health Advisory - Elevated Influenza Activity: Influenza B/Victoria and A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses are Predominant
- 1/17/20: CDC Health Advisory - Update and Interim Guidance on Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan, China
- 1/27/20: EMS News: NHTSA - Novel Coronavirus Update
- 1/27/20: CDPH AFL - Healthcare Facility Resources for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- 1/23/20: CDPH All Facilities Letter (AFL) - Health Update and Interim Guidance - 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV)
- 1/31/20: CDPH AFL - Updated 2019 Novel Coronavirus Information Including Patient Under Investigation Guidance from CDC
- 2/1/20: CDC Flowchart to Identify and Assess 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- 2/1/20: CDC Health Advisory - Update and Interim Guidance on Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- 3/19/20: Letter to Long-Term Care Facilities Regarding COVID-19
- 5/6/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #2
- 4/30/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #1
- 5/13/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #3
- 5/15/20: Health Alert - Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome Potentially Associated with COVID-19 (MIS-C)
- 5/19/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #4
- 5/26/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #5
- 6/3/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #6
- 6/9/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #7
- 5/31/20: COVID-19 Hospital Discharge Criteria
- Flow Chart
- 6/10/20: Health Alert - COVID-19 Reporting Requirements and Hospital/ED Discharge Requests
- 5/29/20: COVID-19 Mass Testing Strategy for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) in San Mateo County
- 6/5/20: COVID-19 Mass Testing Strategy for Congregate Settings in San Mateo County
- 6/15/20: COVID-19 Congregate Setting Admission Readmission and Discontinuation of Isolation Guidelines
- 5/22/20: Return to Work Criteria for Healthcare Facility Staff with COVID-19
- 6/18/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #8
- 6/25/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #9
- 7/3/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #10
- 7/10/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #11
- 7/14/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #12
- 7/21/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #13
- 7/30/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #14
- 8/4/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #15
- 8/13/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #16
- 8/18/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #17
- 8/19/20: CDPH Health Advisory: Resurgence of Candida auris in Healthcare Facilities in the Setting of COVID-19
- 8/25/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #18
- 9/3/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #19
- 9/4/20: High-Dose Influenza Vaccine for LTCF Residents and Staff Age 65 Years and Older
- 9/8/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #20
- 9/16/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #21
- 9/24/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #22
- 9/30/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #23
- 10/7/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #24
- 10/16/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #25
- 10/21/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #26
- 10/30/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #27
- 11/4/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #28
- 11/11/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #29
- 11/18/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #30
- 11/25/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #31
- 12/2/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #32
- 12/8/20: Health Alert - Community Interventions to Limit Surge of COVID-19
- 12/10/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #33
- 12/18/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #34
- 12/18/20: Health Alert - Updated COVID-19 Hospital/Emergency Department Discharge Notification
- 12/24/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #35
- 12/29/20: Health Alert - New Fast-Spreading Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Identified
- 12/31/20: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #36
- 01/05/21: Health Alert: Mental Health & Substance Use During the Pandemic
- 01/07/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #37
- 01/13/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #38
- 01/21/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #39
- 01/26/21: Provider Health Advisory: COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution to 65 & Older
- 01/28/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #40
- 02/05/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #41
- 02/11/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #42
- 02/19/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #43
- 02/23/21: Health Advisory: Vaccinating Seniors & Patients Discharged to LTC Facilities
- 02/26/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #44
- 03/05/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #45
- 03/12/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #46
- 03/16/21: Letter to Long-Term Care Facilities Regarding COVID-19
- 03/19/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #47
- 03/26/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #48
- 04/02/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #49
- 04/09/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #50
- 04/13/21: Cases of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia after Receipt of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
- 4/15/21: Health Alert: Cases of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia after Receipt of J&J Vax
- 04/16/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #51
- 04/23/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #52
- 04/23/21: Health Advisory: Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
- 04/30/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #53
- 05/07/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #54
- 05/14/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #55
- 05/21/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #56
- 05/28/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #57
- 05/28/21: Health Alert: Bamlanivimab plus Etesevimab No Longer Recommended for Use in California for COVID-19
- 05/28/21: Health Advisory: Myocarditis and Pericarditis after Receipt of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Among Adolescents & Young Adults
- 06/04/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #58
- 06/18/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #59
- 06/30/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #60
- 06/30/21: Multistate Investigation of Non-travel Associated Burkholderia pseudomallei Infections (Melioidosis) in Three Patients
- 07/16/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #61
- 08/27/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #62
- 09/14/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #63
- 09/30/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #64
- 10/19/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #65
- 11/19/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #66
- 11/29/21: CDPH Health Alert - SARS-CoV-2 virus variant of concern B.1.1.529 (Omicron)
- 12/03/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #67
- 12/03/21: CDPH Health Alert - SARS-CoV-2 virus variant of concern B.1.1.529 (Omicron)
- 12/17/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #68
- 12/23/21: CDPH Health Alert - Authorization of Paxlovid for Treatment of Mild to Moderate COVID-19
- 12/31/21: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #69
- 01/19/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #70
- 02/02/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #71
- 02/02/22: CDPH Health Advisory - Further Emergence of Candida auris in Healthcare Facilities
- 02/02/22: CDPH Health Alert - Omicron Variant Update: Therapeutics Changes for Outpatient Treatment of Mild to Moderate COVID-19
- 02/17/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #72
- 03/04/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #73
- 03/18/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #74
- 04/01/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #75
- 04/05/22: Updated Practice Standard: Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
- 04/21/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #76
- 4/21/22: CDPH Health Advisory - Recommendations for Adenovirus Testing and Reporting of Children with Acute Hepatitis
- 05/05/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #77
- 05/17/22: CDPH Health Advisory - Seasonal Influenza Activity is Increasing in California
- 05/27/22: CDPH Health Advisory - Monkeypox Virus Infection in the United States and Other Non-endemic Countries
- 05/31/22: Eligibility Criteria and Prescribing Protocol for Treatment of COVID-19 with Paxlovid
- 06/07/22: CDPH Health Update - Recurrence of COVID-19 Symptoms After Treatment with Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir)
- 06/17/22: Monkeypox Virus Outbreak - Evaluation and Testing
- 06/24/22: Increase in Drug Overdose Activity
- 06/27/22: COVID-19 Digest, Issue #78
- 07/26/22: Monkeypox Virus Outbreak Update: Testing, Vaccination and Treatment
- 08/08/22: High-Dose Influenza Vaccine for Residents and Staff Age 65 Years and Older
- 9/22/22: CDPH Warns of Brightly Colored Rainbow Fentanyl that May Interest Youth
- 12/22/2022: Health Advisory - Respiratory Virus Season 2022–23 Testing and Treatment Recommendations
- 03/27/2023: Candida auris Information for Acute Care Hospitals in San Mateo County
- 05/22/2023: Health Advisory - Bicillin LA Shortage
- 5/30/23: CDPH - Preventing a Resurgence of Mpox Cases in California
- 06/20/2023: Health Advisory - Penicillin G Benzathine (Bicillin L-A) Shortage Update
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 51 1st Quarter 2023
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 52 2nd Quarter 2023
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 53 3rd Quarter 2023
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 54 4th Quarter 2023
- 02/05/2024: Health Advisory - Updated Recommendations for Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 55 1st Quarter 2024
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 56 2nd Quarter 2024
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 57 3nd Quarter 2024
- 11/26/2024: San Mateo County Health Advisory: Pertussis
- 12/13/2024: Viral Gastroenteritis Caused By Norovirus - School, Daycare, Childcare, Preschool Facilities
- 12/13/2024: Viral Gastroenteritis Caused By Norovirus - Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Long-Term Care, Residential Facilities
- 02/06/2025: Marburg virus disease in Tanzania and Ebola disease outbreak in Uganda
- Communicable Disease Quarterly Report, Issue No. 58 4th Quarter 2024
- 03/12/2025: San Mateo County Health Advisory - Pediatric Influenza-Associated Encephalopathy and Encephalitis (IAE)
- Read more
Infection Control
Precautions, outbreak preparedness and management, and facility-specific recommendations.
- Specialized Infection Control Precautions
- Environmental Control Measures, Cleaning and Disinfection
- Cleaning up After Body Fluids
- Outbreak Preparedness and Management
- Acute Respiratory Illness Recommendations Checklist- General Infection Control and Prevention Recommendations
- Long-Term Care Influenza Recommendations Checklist- General Infection Control and Prevention Recommendations
- Reporting to the Health Department
- Infection Prevention and Control in Long-Term Care Medical Facilities (August 17, 2011)
- General Infection Control Measures in Residential Facilities (August 18, 2011)
- Scabies Control Recommendations For Residential Facilities (October 5, 2011)
- Exposure Notices in English
- Exclusion Table
- Information for Schools on Enterovirus D-68
- Guidance on Head Lice Prevention and Control for School Districts and Child Care Facilities
- Keep Our School Healthy (poster)
- General Guidance and Infection Control for Daycare, Preschool and Special Needs Populations
- English
- Spanish
- Infection Control Issues in Acute Care Settings (August 17, 2011)
- California Department of Public Health Guidance for Influenza Prevention in Health Care Settings (November 5, 2010)
- in Spanish
- Read more
San Mateo County Public Health Reporting Guidelines
Healthcare providers are required to report communicable diseases, child or elder abuse, and other situations that are a threat to the well-being of San Mateo County residents.
The reporting guidelines and forms in this manual consolidate information on what to report, as well as when, how, and why. Public Health uses the data from the reports to respond to specific situations, to identify and track health problems, to develop local health policy and programs, and to report our findings back to you.
- Cover Page
- Introduction
- Table of Contents
- Tuberculosis (TB CMR)
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV CMR)
- Laboratory Reporting Responsibilities
- Public Health Reporting and Privacy (HIPAA)
- Overview
- Screening
- Managing Patients with Positive Tuberculosis Skin Tests
- Treatment of Latent TB Infection
- TB Classification
- Resources
- Laboratory Responsibilities
- San Mateo County Tuberculosis Control Hospital Discharge Planning Summary Form
- Overview
- Treatment Guidelines
- California STD Treatment Guidelines for Adults & Adolescents (2007)
- Reporting Overview
- Adult Case Form
- Pediatric Case Form
- Overview
- Rabies Post-exposure Prophylaxis Guide
- Overview
- West Nile Virus Specimen Submittal Form
- West Nile Virus Case History Form
- Overview
- Algorithm for ED/Outpatient Testing
- Overview
- California Case Report Form for Laboratory-Confirmed Avian (H5N1) Influenza
- Specimen Submittal Form
- Overview
- Law Enforcement Jurisdiction List
- Overview
- Bioterrorism Categories and Resources
- Guidelines for Reporting and Management of Cases and Contacts
- Overview
- Reporting Form
- Overview
- Reporting Form
- Overview
- Reporting Form and Instructions
- Overview
- Reporting Form
- Reporting Form
- Quick Guide for Reporting
- View/Download Complete Reporting Guidelines - 109 pages, 6.39 MB
- Communicable Diseases/Sexually Transmitted Diseases (CD/STD) CMR
- Animal Bite Report Form
- Read more
Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) Provider Information
Who is eligible to be a CPSP provider?
A CPSP-approved provider must be one of the following: