Tony Hoffman Award
2017 Recipients
The Tony Hoffman Award recognizes individuals, professionals, businesses, or media representatives who have made an extraordinary difference in the lives of people with mental illness and the San Mateo County community. Recognition is given for public education or advocacy to promote mental health awareness and needs or to address stigma; services to persons with mental illness; creation of new and innovative programs or community support activities; recognition of fundraising for mental health activities or long-term financial support to mental health programs; working for new mental health legislation; compassionate treatment of persons with mental illness.
Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
- Nicole Carter (service provider) is a health teacher at Burlingame High School and is being recognized for educating her students on mental health disorders and stigma reduction.
- David “Tad” Randall (volunteer/client and family member) works to educate others on mental wellness for NAMI San Mateo County.