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Cultural Humility, Equity & Inclusion
An Inclusive Approach

Article Doris Estremera, Mental Health Services Act Manager

BHRS has long been committed to strategies that embrace diversity, improve the quality of services and eliminate inequities and barriers to care for marginalized cultural and ethnic communities. From our core values to our culturally competent services and programs, San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services continues to be a pioneer in the field of behavioral health equity, cultural humility and inclusion.

As of February 21, BHRS’ Cultural Humility, Equity and Inclusion Framework (Policy 18-01), was approved, superseding our previous policy on implementation of cultural competency standards. This policy brings into the conversation new knowledge and best practices in the field of behavioral health equity and cultural humility. It ties together all related BHRS policies and standards to provide cohesive communication about existing and ongoing efforts in BHRS.  

The approved policy prioritizes cultural and language appropriate services, and identifies leadership staff responsibilities related to implementation of culturally and linguistically appropriate services and multicultural development.

The policy aligns with BHRS’ Multicultural Organizational Development (MCOD) goals. MCOD is a process of change that BHRS has undertaken to build capacity to address institutionalized and systemic practices that hinder genuine diversity, equity and inclusivity at all levels of our organization.

Most significantly, this policy demonstrates BHRS’ commitment to developing a comprehensive understanding of best practices in workforce development, leadership, governance, communication and language assistance.

It also underscores the continuous practice of engagement, improvement and accountability within all levels of the organization.