Behavioral Health Staff: Medi-Cal Mandatory Posting English
Client & Family Welcome Information
Welcome to San Mateo County’s Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
In order to give you an initial orientation about the services available to you, we have carefully assembled this Welcome Packet that includes all the information you need to start accessing our network of care.
This information is available in paper form without charge upon request. You will receive a copy within 5 business days. Please contact your provider or the BHRS ACCESS Call Center at: (800) 686-0101 or TTY (for hearing impaired): dial 711
*Providers: Items with an asterisk* must be placed in the lobby of all BHRS County and Contractor Clinics.
*San Mateo County Medi-Cal Member Handbook: Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System: Print: English | English/Large Print | Spanish Tagalog Traditional Chinese
Telehealth Resources for Clients
- For General Information about telehealth (video) services through SMC BHRS: Telehealth Overview Two-Page flyer Spanish Tagalog Chinese
- For detailed instructions of how to use the Telehealth (video) platforms used by SMC BHRS:
- Getting to know your smart phone device:
- How to Access Secure Email
*How can I verify a clinician’s credentials? Spanish
MediCal Information and BHRS List of Providers
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
English | Chinese | Russian | Spanish | Tagalog
- Therapeutic Behavioral Services Brochure |
English | Spanish
- San Mateo County Provider List: BHRS Directory
Information about Changing a Provider and Filing a Grievance
- *Change of Provider Request Form: | | |
- *Grievance/Problem Resolution Brochure: English | Spanish Tagalog Chinese
- Medicare Complaints Form Privacy Practices
- Get help making a complaint Office of Consumer and Family Affairs
- *Consumer Rights Poster: English | Spanish | Chinese |Tagalog |Russian
Information on Filing a Complaint with the BBS
Information about Your Rights
- *Your Right to an Interpreter: English
- Complete List of Consumers Rights: |
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Information About Advance Health Care Directives
BHRS Client Perception Survey
2022 BHRS Client Perception Survey Presentation
Mental Health Emergency Guidelines for Calling 911
- What to Do if Your Child has an Emotional, Mental Health or Substance Abuse Problem: English | Spanish | Chinese | Tongan | Tagalog
- Guidelines For Clients Receiving Medications English | Spanish
- Guidelines for Calling 9-1-1
Financial Information
It is very important that you start obtaining health insurance coverage right away when entering our network of care to assure that we can offer you the most comprehensive treatment plan and can continue to dispense any medication(s) you may already receive without any delays.
If you already have health coverage through your employer, a privately purchased plan, Medicare (including any Prescription Coverage (Part D) plan) or ACE, please note the following important information:
- Please give us a copy of your membership card at your first visit so that we can check if your carrier covers all aspects of your treatment plan.
- If you already know that your carrier does not cover the adequate level of care, please provide us with a written statement of the carrier’s inability to accommodate your treatment needs.
- Please note that Medi-Cal may cover a portion or all of your treatment services for which your insurance carrier may otherwise charge a co-pay or deductible.
Also, please note that you may be eligible for enrollment into CareAdvantage if you have free Medi-Cal and Medicare Part A & B coverage.
At a minimum, we can assist you with enrolling into a Prescription Assistance Program that subsidizes your prescription expenses for a significant discount and is administered through our own Pharmacy Services department.
For your convenience, we can arrange for a comprehensive health insurance screening at our clinics or community partners’ sites or your home. During the pending enrollment period you will be able to obtain services through our network of care. For more information on the general enrollment procedures and options for your child and/or your family, please contact: Stefan Luesse, Manager for Health Insurance Outreach & Coordination, at (650) 573 3502.
- Policy A-44: Behavior Expectations for Clients, Patients, and Visitors: English
- Roadmap to Health Care: English
- The Affordable Care Act: What it means to you: English
- Financial Assistance Programs Brochure: English | Spanish
- Access and Care for Everyone (ACE) Brochure: English | Spanish
- A Short Guide to Public Health Insurance Programs: Child/Youth (English) | Young Adult (English) | Adult (English)
- What You Need to Know About Payment for Behavioral Health & Recovery Services: Your Child (English) | Adult (English)
- Health Insurance Myths & Facts for Child/Youth (English) | | Adults
- What You Should Know Before You Apply for SSI Disability Benefits for a Child: English | Spanish
- Glossary of Health Insurance Terms: English
Consumer Problem Resolution & NOA: 19-01
Client Rights
Consumer Problem Resolution & NOA: 19-01 Policy 19-01
SUPERSEDES: 04-10 Notice of Action, 03-03 Consumer Problem Resolution System
New Policy June 2019, Technical edits and Translated attachments
added, October 10, 2019; Technical Revision January 9, 2020
Attachment A: Technical Edit January 9, 2020; Amended May 4,
2023, Amended July 15, 2024
Attachment B: TTechnical Edit March 12, 2021,
Technical Edit and
name change March 14, 2021; Technical Edit September 24, 2021
- Manual
- Language Assistance Taglines
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- English
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Tagalog
- Russian
- English
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Spanish
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Tagalog
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
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- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Cantonese
- Chinese
- Tagalog
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Mandarin
- Templates for reason for issuing NOABD, Why we denied your request.
- Guide to Using the AVATAR NOABD / NAR Form
- Read more