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STI and HIV Resources for Providers

General information

STD/HIV Treatment & Reporting

Reporting Forms

Electronic Reporting through CalREDIE

California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE) is the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) communicable disease reporting and surveillance system of record. The system is web-based and PHIN-compliant and it is used by state and local public health officials and healthcare providers. As of today, 95% of California local health jurisdictions are using CalREDIE in some capacity.

General information

What are my responsibilities as a medical provider?

Please provide this information to the patient before testing.

What do I do if the patient tests positive for HIV?
Disclose confirmed HIV positive result to patient. If you need disclosure assistance you may contact us at 650-573-2346 and ask for the HIV Testing Program Supervisor.

HIV/AIDS is a reportable disease, as mandated by Title 17 California Code of Regulations (CCR).

Please complete the HIV/AIDS Case Report Form as thoroughly as possible. Report by fax or mail within 7 working days.

(650) 573-2919

General information

What information can I provide to my patient?

  • Edison Clinic Brochure English Spanish
  • Partner Services Brochure
  • Drop-in Support Group Flyer English Spanish
  • Hotline Telephone Numbers/Other Resources:
    • CDC National HIV/AIDS Hotline 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
    • AIDS/HIV Nightline 1-800-628-9240 or 415-434-AIDS (434-2437)
    • HIV Health Info Line  1-800-822-7422 or 415-558-9051
    • Women Alive  1-800-554-4876
    • Crisis Management Hotline 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-784-2433
General information

Technical Assistance Activities

Staff Development/Presentation: STD/HIV Program personnel have developed and will conduct an onsite interactive presentation designed to enhance understanding of routine HIV testing in healthcare settings.  The presentation provides the following: