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IHSS Provider Registry


Become an IHSS Registry Provider

The Registry is constantly looking for more providers to help meet the increasing needs of IHSS recipients. We’ve provided a few screening questions below to assist you in determining if the Registry is right for you.

1) Does an IHSS recipient (family member, loved one, friend or other relation) want to hire you to be their IHSS provider/caregiver?

Yes, I need to find out how to submit my application. Provider Enrollment Information

No, I have not been asked by an IHSS recipient to work as their IHSS provider/caregiver. I want to work as an IHSS caregiver. Go to screening question #2

2)  Are you legally able to work in the United States?

Yes – Click on a flyer below 

Registry Informational Flyer in English
Registry Informational Flyer in Spanish
Registry Informational Flyer in Chinese

To Apply Now, click here.

No or Unsure – Contact our team below to discuss your situation      

For assistance in English, contact Harry Guan at (650) 670-7904 or

For assistance in Spanish, contact Maria Esparza-Diaz at (650) 713-8461 or

For assistance in Chinese, contact Betty Fung at (650) 241-5409 or


Frequently Asked Questions

How much are Registry caregivers paid? 

As of January 1, 2025, IHSS providers are paid $21.30 per hour and $31.95 for overtime (overtime limits apply). 

Who will be my employer?

The IHSS consumer is the employer. The Public Authority Registry refer providers’ names to IHSS consumers who are looking to hire a homecare provider. The Public Authority is handles your payroll.

Will I receive training?

We offer free, virtual workshops via Zoom to help you learn homecare skills. Workshop participation is not mandatory and IHSS Providers are not paid for attendance. For more information: Caregiving Workshops

We will also reimburse you up to $400 per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) to take classes and attend conferences. The class has to be pre-approved, see the instructions on the applications: Job Development Application (English) Job Development Application (Spanish)

For more information, contact Stacy Goldsby at (650) 241-5874 or

Will I be eligible for Benefits?

Yes, if you meet the eligibility criteria. Visit our Benefits page for more information.

Do I get paid vacation and sick time, or holidays off?

We do not offer paid vacation or holidays. IHSS providers currently working became eligible to receive Paid sick leave hours on July 1, 2018. Use this Paid Sick Leave Form and submit to the address on the back of the form if you wish to utilize these hours.