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Area Plan
For Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

General information

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for San Mateo County is AAS. The Area Plan is intended to accurately reflect the AAA’s future activities by involving and serving older adults, their families, and caregivers.

The Area Plan provides the format and structure to identify and document needs and addresses concerns in a manner consistent with the Older Americans Act and the Older Californians Act to enable communities and the AAA to plan for the future. The AAA is charged with addressing and planning for a broad spectrum of matters related to older individuals and adults with disabilities.

The AAA is mandated to complete strategic plans in four year planning cycles. The Area Plan is intended to accurately reflect AAAs future activities by involving and serving older individuals, their families, and caregivers. It provides the format and structure to identify and document needs and addresses concerns in a manner consistent with the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Older Californians Act (OCA) to enable communities and AAAs to plan for the future. To this end, AAAs are charged with addressing and planning for a broad spectrum of matters related to older individuals and adults with disabilities in our community. The Area Plan informs public and policy makers, locally and statewide, about how the AAA plans to address local needs and accomplish goals and objectives. The Area Plan allows for the AAA to re-examine its direction and progress as a result of change and allows for the addition to, changing, or deleting of current elements and objectives.

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General information

New Beginning Coalition

San Mateo County Health’s Aging and Adult Services’ New Beginning Coalition (NBC) is a broad-based group of older adults, persons with disabilities, caregivers, and service providers whose mission is to improve the quality of life of San Mateo County’s diverse population of older adults and adults with disabilities.

General information

SCAN Foundation

The SCAN Foundation is an independent charitable organization whose mission is to advance a coordinated and easily navigable system of high-quality services for older adults that preserve dignity and independence. The New Beginning Coalition has been chosen to participate in the Foundation’s Community of Constituents initiative. This initiative is a statewide movement of over 500 member organizations with an additional 700 affiliated members, to transform the system of care, so that all Californians can age with dignity, choice and independence.