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HHW Program Overview


San Mateo County’s HHW Program helps residents reuse, recycle, or responsibly manage residential hazardous waste for free. There are multiple easy and free ways to safely and properly remove HHW from your home. County residents can:

  1. Local Drop-off locations: Find convenient, local recycling and disposal options for paint, electronics, batteriesfluorescent lights, medicines, propane tanks1 lb. propane cylinders, and more. 
  2. Curbside Pick up: Take advantage of battery (and in select cities, used oil) pick-up on your recycle/garbage collection day. Check your hauler for details.
  3. Make an HHW drop-off appointment online, or call 650-372-6200. Review the program rules and schedule an appointment that’s convenient for you.  

Click here to sign up for household hazardous waste drop-off event notifications.

NEW! HHW Too Toxic To Trash Guide & Toolkit!

HHW Too Toxic to Trash Guide


Get information on the top three most disposed of (or common) HHW items and how/where to properly recycle them.

Learn more about the HHW Most Wanted >>