EVENT: SF World Breastfeeding Photo Gallery
August 2017
Sustaining Breastfeeding Together
Sustaining Breastfeeding-Together reminds us that as mothers & fathers, brothers & sisters, family, friends, and coworkers, we all play a part in supporting women to breastfeed successfully.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for up to the first 6 months of life and continuation for up to 1 year or longer, or as mutually desired by mother and baby. Despite this recommendation and the well documented benefits of breastfeeding, only 43% of mothers in San Francisco exclusively breastfeed at 1 month. Additionally, the marked socioeconomic and ethnic disparities in breastfeeding rates reflect social inequities that affect a life course of health outcomes.
Hence this photo exhibition is a step towards a cultural paradigm shift in San Francisco that views breastfeeding as a normal way of infant feeding, where families are embraced and supported throughout their breastfeeding journey at home, at work, and in our communities.
The exhibition is also a celebration of San Francisco’s breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Each photograph tells us a story of a unique breastfeeding journey- a journey that is marked not only by sore nipples, cluster feedings and pumping at work, but also by warm cuddles, milky giggles and a heart filled with the joy of giving their baby the best possible start in life. A journey that is messy at times but totally worth it in the end!
EVENT: World Breastfeeding Photo Gallery
DATE: Weekdays August 2-31
VENUE: San Francisco City Hall-South Light Court
1 Dr
Carlton B Goodlett Pl
Francisco, CA 94102