Flooding may have caused hazardous products to become waste when
they came in contact with flood water, such as batteries, paint,
paint thinner, pesticides, fertilizers, and cleaners. These need
to be kept safe to avoid further contamination.
Safely handle and repackage damaged containers by placing them
individually into a larger container, such as a large bucket with
a secure lid. NEVER MIX WASTE. IT’S
All containers must be labeled to indicate their contents.
Keep all hazardous waste in a safe and secure location until it
is transported for proper disposal. All hazardous waste must be
transported in sturdy boxes or crates to keep them upright and
avoid spills.
Residents should make an appointment to bring all safely
collected hazardous waste to a free drive-through drop-off at a
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection event by calling (650)
372-6200 or making an appointment online at smchealth.org/hhw.
For businesses, make an appointment to bring all safely collected
hazardous waste to the Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG)
Program drop-off by calling (916) 299-4228 or making an
appointment online at smchealth.org/post/request-vsqg-appointment.
For more information, visit smchealth.org/vsqg.