Water Protection & Land Use
Land Use, Septic Systems, Septic Pumper Businesses, & Water Wells
Program Overview
All homes must have a safe water supply and a system for proper disposal of sewage and wastewater. Some people in San Mateo County live in areas that do not have a community water supply or a municipal sewer system. If you live in one of these areas, you must install your own water and sewer systems.
The goal of the Land Use Program is to help people who live in these areas with these water supplies or sewage disposal systems. Inspection staff also certify septic system installers and percolation testers.
- Complete Onsite Systems Manual
- Section 0: Introduction with Glossary of Terms
- Section 1: Policies and Administrative Procedures
- Section 2: Site Investigation Requirements and Procedures
- Section 3: Design and Construction Requirements for Conventional OWTS
- Section 4: Alternative OWTS Requirements
- Section 5: OWTS Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Section 6: Advanced Protection Management Program
- State Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (Septic) Policy
- Perc Testing Device Instructions
- Water Well Ordinance
- Water Quality Standards - California Title 22 Maximum Contaminant Levels
- Septic Application
- Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Ordinance
- Heat Exchange Bores/Wells
- Clarification of Connection to Sanitary Sewer
- Land Use Review Application
- Water Well Construction Procedures
- San Mateo County’s Local Agency Management Program
- Septic Tank and Chemical Toilet Cleaners Report
- Septic Pumper Truck Spill Guidelines
- Water Well Application
- Septic Pumper Trucks & Business Application
- Read more
Cross Connection Control Program
The Health System’s Environmental Health Services contracts with water purveyors to implement a cross-connection program as mandated by the State Resources Control Board, Drinking Water Division (formerly under the California Department of Public Health), Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, and the State Health and Safety Code.
- Backflow Tester Application Form
- Lead-free Requirements for Backflow Prevention Assemblies
- Testing of Fire Service Backflow Prevention Assemblies
- Backflow Prevention Ordinance
- Residential Onsite Water Recycling
- Personal Care Services
- Cross Connection Control Program
- Medical Facility Backflow Prevention Requirements
- More information
- San Mateo County Backflow Prevention Ordinance
- Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly (DC)
- Double Check Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly (DCDA)
- Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly (PVB)
- Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly (RP)
- Spill-Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly (SVB)
- Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB)
- Dual Check Valve
- (Hose-bibb) Vacuum Breaker
- Read more
Groundwater Protection Program
The goal of the Groundwater Protection Program is to protect underground water supplies and surface waters, such as the creeks, streams, ocean and the Bay, from chemical pollution.
The Small Drinking Water Systems Program
IMPORTANT: Environmental Health Services is transitioning to an online portal in 2024 to streamline the process of managing permits and billing. If you did not already respond to the postcard mailer or email that went out in November and December, please review the email (click here) for further instructions. It is critical that we collect contact information to designate someone as a primary user who will be responsible for managing your business’ online account.
Beach and Creek Mouth Monitoring
Water Sampling
Water samples from natural recreational waters in San Mateo County are sampled each week for concentrations of indicator bacteria.
Subscribe to beach and creek sampling email updates here.
If concentrations of indicator bacteria exceed State or County standards, the area is posted to warn users that they may become ill if they engage in water contact activities in the posted area.