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Integrated Behavioral Health

General information

As part of your health care team, our goal in Integrated Behavioral Health is to give you tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle and overcome emotional struggles.

Behavioral Health is a term used to describe both mental and emotional well-being. It includes many aspects of our lives. Good emotional health can be as basic as knowing how to cope with day-to-day challenges.

At times, it can be more complex and involve the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, substance use and other addictive behaviors. Behavioral health is an essential part of your overall health. At San Mateo Medical Center, we offer an integrated treatment approach where professionals across disciplines collaborate to treat the whole person and to promote wellness in all its forms.

IBH Wellness Class Videos (Videos de Bienestar)

Wellness Videos

Caring for Caregivers

Communication in Relationships

Coping with Grief 

Diaphragmatic Breathing 

Emotional Eating and Binge Eating

Facing Worries and Panic 

Living Through COVID

Managing Your Moods Workshop

Mindfulness & Relaxation

Sleeping Better Workshop

Stress Management 

Videos de Bienestar

Atención Plena y Relajación

Clase de Enfrentando preocupaciones, miedo y estrés 

Comer Emocional y Atracones

Dormir Mejor

Lidiando con el Duelo

Manejar el Estado de ánimo 

Viviendo a través del COVID

Wellness Resources (English)

Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.  While mindfulness is something we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
In progressive muscle relaxation, you tense a group of muscles as you breathe in, and you relax them as you breathe out. You work on your muscle groups in a certain order. When your body is physically relaxed, you cannot feel anxious. Practicing progressive muscle relaxation regularly will help you get better at this skill, and in time you will be able to use this method to relieve stress.

Diaphragmatic Breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing, sometimes called belly breathing, is a deep breathing technique that engages your diaphragm, a muscle at the bottom of your ribcage that is primarily responsible for respiratory function. Diaphragmatic breathing encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. This type of breathing slows the heartbeat and can lower or stabilize blood pressure.

Mental Health Apps

Types of Medication

Zoom Information
Download Zoom for Online Groups and classes:

Wellness Resources (ESPAÑOL)

Meditación de Atención Plena​
La atención plena es la consciencia vigilante de las emociones, sensaciones o acciones. Al centrarnos en el momento presente, logramos tener otra perspectiva y analizar las situaciones con más objetividad. Observamos lo que sucede a nuestro alrededor, en uno mismo, y centramos voluntariamente nuestra atención en lo que hay, sin juicio ni expectativa alguna.

Respiración Diafragmatica
La respiración diafragmática es un tipo de respiración relajante que usa el diafragma. El diafragma es el músculo que se encuentra debajo de las costillas y arriba del estómago. Con este tipo de respiración, el diafragma ocasiona que el estómago, en vez del pecho, suba y baje. Cuando los pulmones se llenan de aire el diafragma presiona hacia abajo y el estómago sube (se mueve hacia adelante). Cuando los pulmones se vacían de aire el diafragma vuelve a subir y el estómago baja (se mueve hacia adentro). El resultado es una respiración lenta, uniforme y profunda.

Relajación Muscular Progresiva
La relajación muscular progresiva (PMR, por sus siglas en inglés) es una técnica que relaja los músculos de su cuerpo. Ayuda a reducir la tensión o el estrés que tenga en los músculos. Cuando libera la tensión, los músculos se relajan. La relajación muscular progresiva se alcanza tensando y relajando un grupo de músculos repetidamente hasta que el músculo permanece relajado. A medida que practique, aprenderá a sentir la diferencia entre un músculo relajado y uno tenso.

Tipos de Medicamentos

El Manejo del Dolor Crónico (YouTube)

  1. Introducción al dolor crónico
  2. Información sobre el dolor crónico
  3. Sistemas de Respuesta para manejar el dolor crónico
  4. Terapia conductual cognitiva para manejar el dolor crónico
  5. El establecimiento de metas para el manejo del dolor crónico
  6. Entrenamiento de relajación: relajación muscular progresiva
  7. Entrenamiento de Relajación – Respiración Diafragmática para manejar el dolor crónico
  8. Entrenamiento de relajación: imágenes guiadas para manejar el dolor crónico
  9. Medir Actividades para manejar el dolor crónico
  10. Reestructuración cognitiva para manejar el dolor crónico
  11. Activación conductual/Actividades placenteras para manejar el dolor crónico
  12. El manejo del sueño para manejar el dolor crónico
  13. Resumen – dolor crónico
  14. Escaneo Corporal

Instrucciones para Descargar Zoom
Instrucciones para Descarga Zoom y participar en Grupos y Clases:

Wellness Resources (PORTUGUÊS)

Terapia Cognitiva Comportamental​A Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental ou TCC é uma abordagem da psicoterapia baseada em investigaçoes cientificas. A TCC entende a forma como o ser humano interpreta os acontecimentos como aquilo que nos afeta, e não os acontecimentos em si. Ou seja: é a forma como cada pessoa vê, sente e pensa com relação a uma situação que causa desconforto, dor, incômodo, tristeza ou qualquer outra sensação negativa.

Respiração Profunda
A respiração profunda nos ajuda a acalmar a agitação, o estresse e a ansiedade. Respirar bem para viver melhor é um princípio de bem-estar físico e mental que exige nossa atenção entre a pressa e as pressões com as quais convivemos todos os dias. Por sua vez, e igualmente interessante, esse tipo de respiração permite que nos conectemos muito melhor com nós mesmos, com as nossas necessidades de vida.

Relaxamento Muscular Progressivo
Essa é uma forma de relaxamento em que a pessoa precisa focar a atenção em músculos específicos para sentir a diferença de sensação entre os estados de relaxamento e de contração muscular.

Baxiar o Aplicativo Zoom
Baixar o aplicativo Zoom para participar de grupos e classes na internet:

Wellness Resources (广东话)

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開心静坐 中文粵語版​


如何在你的手提电话下载Zoom软件 所以 可以参加在群组里和班级

Understanding Behavioral Health

Common Symptoms of Behavioral Health Problems
There are several symptoms you may experience if you are struggling with a behavioral health problem. Some common ones are:

  • Constant feeling of sadness, guilt or hopelessness
  • Uncontrolled anger or constant irritation
  • Disturbed sleep or oversleeping
  • Fatigue and lack of motivation
  • Difficulty controlling one’s moods or emotions or “mood swings”
  • Panic attacks or extreme fears and worries that you cannot control
  • Changes in appetite or excessive eating
  • Disturbing memories or difficulties dealing with past traumatic events
  • Intrusive visions, sounds, and voices that others may not experience or excessive suspiciousness of others
  • Thoughts of death or dying

If you are having any of these symptoms, talk to your primary care doctor about a referral.

Improving Your Emotional Health
There are several steps you can take to start improving your emotional health today.

  • Make connections. Talk with supportive friends and family, share your feelings, and let them assist you.
  • Engage in activities that soothe and relax you or make you laugh.
  • Do some physical exercise daily.
  • Choose healthy foods and keep a regular eating schedule.
  • Nurture your spirit: pray, meditate, practice whatever fits your spirituality.
  • Sleep and rest when you are tired.
  • Keep a journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings in various situations.
  • Learn more about mental health.

Follow your health care plan, keep scheduled appointments, and stay connected with us!

What is Integrated Behavioral Health in primary care?
Integrated Care: Joining Medical and Mental Health Services

The School of Life: A YouTube channel exploring emotional and psychological life questions.

Conditions: What They Are and How to Manage Them

¿Qué es​ la salud mental?

Types of Medication

Types of Therapy

Referral Process

If you have been referred to Integrated Behavioral Health, here’s what to expect:

  • You will receive a phone call within two weeks to schedule an initial appointment.
  • On the date of your first appointment, you should check in 30 minutes before the appointment. You will receive forms to fill out. Bring your insurance information and current medications.
  • You will meet with a therapist who specializes in behavioral health for about 45 minutes.
  • Your therapist will gather personal information about you, including stressors, emotional problems, or mental health concerns that may be bothering you.
  • After that, you and the therapist will agree on a treatment plan that will help you recover and make lifestyle changes. This may include individual or group therapy as well as other referrals.


Biofeedback is a treatment for stress-related disorders such as the following:

  • Migraine & tension headaches, other types of pain
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Stress-related high blood pressure, high blood sugar, insomnia
  • PTSD and depression (combined with psychotherapy)

What Is Biofeedback? (video)
¿Qué es el Biofeedback? (video)

Biofeedback Handouts
What is Biofeedback?
¿Qué es el Biofeedback?

Training Resources
Breath Pacing With Music
Resonant Frequency Breathing (video)
Online Breath Pacer
Breathing Pacer Apps for Apple devices
Breathing Pacer Apps for Android devices