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Healthy Communities Policy Assessment
Intern Project

General information

The focus of the internship project will be to conduct an assessment of policies, goals and strategies adopted by cities in San Mateo County to create healthy, equitable communities. The goal of this assessment is to develop a baseline understanding of healthy community policies and strategies adopted and implemented by various cities in San Mateo County and identify gaps and recommend action steps for cities to consider promoting health-improving environments. The Healthy Communities Assessment Intern will help HPP measure the extent to which cities are utilizing policies and strategies to create healthy, equitable, communities in San Mateo County.

Specific responsibilities expected of the intern include:

  • Conduct an assessment of active transportation plans, policies and strategies adopted by 3-5 cities in San Mateo County using the Safety and Active Transportation (S.A.T) Policy Assessment Tool developed by the HPP Team.
  • Analyze the data collected and develop tailored 2-4 page S.A.T. Assessment Policy Briefs that include findings and recommendations to share with local jurisdictions.
  • Explore and research 1-2 modules to add to the S.A.T. Assessment to expand the scope of the assessment beyond just active transportation.

To learn more or apply for the Healthy Communities Assessment Intern position, download packet.